Printer malfunction ?

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Well-known member
Nov 18, 2015
I just happened to try and photocopy a bank note in my combi printer scanner(not for any nefarious purpose) , it steadfastly refused to do it and auto cancels the job after it sees whats in the tray . Then it tried once again to get me to agree to launching the built in wifi connection which I do not want to touch . My question is how does it detect bank notes then apply the spoiler without searching some kind of database remotely ? ever get the feeling all this new online gagetry is just a modern day Trojan horse/pinnochio . Further testing required and maybe permanent and inrevokable disablement of the wifi for once and for all .
The fingerprint for banknotes is built-in in the machine's ROM. The scanner recognises a pattern printed in most (all?) banknotes and some other things.

Just like most printers print an invisible* pattern that contains their serial number and more.

*Of course, it's only invisible to the human eye.

Every large photo copier contains a cache memory of the last 100 or even 1000 copied or scanned pages. It hasn't been direct optical xerography for many decades. It's a computer, scanner and printer. Has been a source of data leaks in a lot of cases.

The wifi would tell them where you are...
Your probably right Cy , I remember looking up the spec for an anonymous WIKI leaks dump years ago , they claimed you needed a printer or CD burner with no attachment to you personally , they suggest digging a printer or burner out of a dumpster , even still theres probably embeded codes and microscopic water marks that would have you hung by the ballsack .

I dont know much about bitcoinage , but it seems if you can generate the hash codes you may be able to claim orphaned coins ,for instance coins residing on broken down or forgotten computers .

The old reliable ,HP , packing fudge for the powers that be , if you could prove they contraviene GDPR you might have them by the bollocks instead.
I haven't heard about scams or illegal use of these printer fingerprints, just law enforcement using them in rare cases to identify the printer that's used for ransom snail mail, or kidnapper's notes.

I'm sure there's a provision in GDPR for it.

Bitcoin is kept in a secure wallet. Something you and I can't crack. So lost bitcoins are really lost forever. And since the number of bitcoins is limited, that's a weakness.

Anyone can generate bitcoins. In the beginning, one bitcoin per day was possible on a modal PC. The first pizza you could order, was 10.000 Btc. That was in the USA, of course.

It grows slower for the later bitcoins in the chain. Today, you need a server farm with four GPUs in every server and at least a hundred servers or so to generate a bitcoin per week. Then you have to hope the gain in bitcoin outweighs the electricity bill. A genial concept, really.

Don't know much about other crypto coins. But I was there when Btc was born. Got my first Btc just to test reception on the very first exchange. Generated my second one myself and from there on, exchanged lots of fragments. All for testing. Once things were working, I lost interest and years later, my wallet died with the harddisk it was on. By then it was worth just a few hundred €.
Well..... the patient survived the amputation .
I was able to lift the top cover of the printer and wiggle the blue WIFI module over on the left side until it seperated from the main board . Its still functions fine without wifi although the customary yellow triangle with a ! now appears if I set Wifi to on in settings .
Another thing was there was a memory backup battery in there too , I was tempted to hard reset the unit and see if it made any difference .
Years ago, Kyocera was the only laser printer manufacturer that still made printers without fingerprint for certain markets. Today, all printers seem to have it, except a few industrial ones. You definitely don't want any of those in your living-room for reasons of size, price and even smell...

You don't need that Wifi thing chattering along, so it's good riddance!
Your right about details of the bank notes being 'cooked' into Rom Cyrano, I removed and replaced the memory back up battery and tried again , still detects the modern currency and cancels . Just for proof of the pudding I had an old Italian 1000 lire note , of course thats no longer legal tender , it wasnt flagged up like Euro notes .