Probably very dumb question, about shorting a cap

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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Hi...Is it possible to short out an electrolytic cap by having something touch the top of the cap that looks like exposed metal?  I ask because I have a couple caps in my GSSL that are VERY close to the top of the rack and worry about it somehow shorting to ground.
I always thought that the metal on the outside of electrolytic caps was somehow insulated from any current inside. Granted I never actually tested it. though you definitely want the terminals of the electrolytic cap insulated from metal work!
The case of the old school FP can caps is the neg terminal(s) which is usually grounded, but not always.  In some instances such as a voltage double, the cap might be mounted on an insulator and the can is very much hot with respects to ground.  When in doubt, insulate.  Naugahyde although not listed as such is a wonderful "on the cheap" insulator and is flame retardant.
0dbfs said:
When in doubt (or to confirm) measure DC resistance between both terminals of the cap and the can.


good call...seems obvious now that you mention it!