Procontrol Talkback

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2004
los angeles
i know that this beast is not very popular but i'm used to it's transport and talkback so it's still here :)
Unfortunately the talkback stoped working consistently , if i power cycle it comes back, then after a while at random it quits again. I'm guessing it is probably power supply related ? Do you have any suggestions on things to look for
Now it's really dead. I opened the top to take a look. the power supply looks like a very easy swap but are there any recommended things to check first
ok  thanks John  i'll try to check that but the way it progressed from failing ounce in a while to more and more frequent and being able to bring it back by power cycling .
Hello ubxf,

I don't think your Talkback issue has a relation with the power supply of your ProControl.
I would first suspect  the talkback push button contact quality...
Has any liquide entered the Talkback button area ?

Hello Guy,
No liquid on the button, actually i'll check to see if the button still triggers the slate tone
ubxf said:
The button seems to be fine

yes but how it connects to the circuit board may not be. I teched at a place with  a SSL duality, while not the same by a long shot, we had intermittent issues with the talk back button over time, because it's soldered to the PCB directly and push, push, push, caused  problems with the pads and traces over time. the short answer was to replace it as SSL likes to do audio triage these days.  pop in a new board and take care of the old one at some point.
i see thanks Pucho, i'll check into it further. It trigger the dim monitor without problem so i figured the switch was ok.  Maybe i should figure out how to work a talkback with the S3 :)

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