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[quote author="Rob Flinn"]Interesting

Try this bbc eq for size


What's with the 0-xxx on the inductors?
That's probably the value in Henries--at least at first glance, the values seem to make sense in the context of the circuit. For instance, 0.0159 would be 15.9mH.

Rob: That's a really cool EQ, a nice bridged-T implementation. Do you know anything about the input/output coupling transformers? Is the EQ 600 ohm in and out?
Yes, so much great info.

I see that you all have formed a master plan, and that your goal is to boggle my mind with so much information that in no way shape or form will I be able to keep up.

My DIY folder keeps growing and growing, but my ability to finsish projects, get up to speed on all things audio electronic, and digest all that gets posted can not keep pace.

I feel like a sinking ship. But at least I'm a happy sinking ship :grin:


Nice stuff!
BTW, in UREI 500 hf/lf sections done around three switchable t-pads, but arranged the way eq attenuation is just 10 db.
One problem is...they used 7-pole 12-positions switches...
bbc eq seems more diy'able:))
If it's too sensitive to talk about in the open, pm me. If you can tell me what console, truck, studio, etc... this comes from, I can look through the docs we have here and see if I can't dig up some other information.