Punch tools for IEC connectors?

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Michael Krusch

Well-known member
Jun 4, 2004
Berlin, Germany
Does somebody have an idea where to buy such a tool for standard IEC connectors? Inside EU preferred.

If its just a square punch without the bevels it will be ok.
Both RS and Farnell has these.

There's two but's:

- These are very, very expensive. Some 125? upwards last time I checked.

- They need you to cut a 16mm or 18mm guiding hole first - which is not easy either.

Jakob E.
dude... those connectors have a rim around them to cover the edge of the metal work... just dremel out the hole... much much cheaper...
Thanks rf, but I allready use this:

Segor/Berlin is offering a punching service, but only for plane plates. I thing I have to give them a call and take a look on their machine, maybe it will fit anyway.
[quote author="Rob Flinn"]I just drill 2 10mm holes in diagonal corners & use my £20 jig saw[/quote]

ya, what he said =)
I just bought a punch for doing the xlr holes for my G9. I got it from Bürklin (don´t know if they have a shop in Berlin, but you can order it). It´s a 20,4 mm size and called "Blechlocher" in German and cost 14 ? from Bürklin. With that I also did the IEC hole, just cutting several times along the edges and then shaping the rest with the Dremel.
I think they also have square cutters but they are very expensive (116 ?), I just got one from Evilbay for 15 :))) So you also might have a look there.

you might also do a search on evilbay for "Lochstanzer", "Lochschneider" and "Schraub-Locher" :)) Maybe you can find something cheap there.