Hey Greg,
Thanks for the info. I have always used TO-220 for all the PSU's I've made in the past (which ain't many, 3 to be exact), but when confronted with the TO-92 option I paniced
I was dealing with a parts store on the phone and they asked which option and it threw me since I only knew of the TO-220 package in the LM317.
Alk, thanks for pointing for the BCE was not related to the Reg TO-92 package, I can clearly see it is a transitor (A BC184 to be exact), I was stupid enough to miss it first time around.
Back to the PSU, I am hoping it will be for a pair of Fabio's API's, I have the boards which I will slowly stuff as and when I can, get both time and money
I have just wrapped up my 'channel strip' with 2 Greens and a Calrec, the rack looks very Ghetto DIY, I'll post some pics in a few days but It sounds great though :thumb:
Thanks for the news on the THAT's! I have pretty much bought 80% of the parts already, and while I was ordering the regs for them from your list I ordered a few regs for the PSU as well.