Replacements for the TL072CN and TL062CP ICs in the Drawmer DL241

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Well-known member
Apr 29, 2006
brooklyn, NY
Hi All,

Title says it all.  I'm aware that the NE5532 is a good clean replacement for the TL072 but I'm not aware of other chips.

I have yet to use TL062CPs and am not aware of good replacements but boss says they gotta go.

Has anyone else modified these compressors?


An NE5532 and a TL072 are very different types of IC's.  They are designed for very different purposes. TL072's have better, more modern replacements, but I don't have my data sheets handy.
I suggest looking at the TLE2072 op-amps as replacements for the TL072.
OPA2134 is another possibility.


+1 on the TLE2072. Have used them as replacements in an Orban 418A limiter, and the upper mids and highs sound better. Whatever you use, it should also be a JFET.
I have used OP275 with good results, tho many folks will tear you a new one for suggesting such a thing...
They aren't too expensive, and don't draw as much current as the OPA2134, which I have also used and liked.
Here is an interesting and informative short article about the subject...
Thanks for the responses!

I'll look into the opa2134 as I've heard great things.  I'm aware that the 5532 is a different animal but I've been told by numerous sources it is a suitable replacement but "cleaner."

I'm still wondering what experiences people have had with the TL062CPs and what ICs can and should be swapped in.
I've read that the LT1358 is a candidate but have no experience using it.

Sounds like I'll be leaning towards the TLE2072 for the TL072 replacement but still need help with the TL062CP...

Any ideas?

The TL06X is a very low current BiFET opamp, that can be replaced with aTL07x
There is almost no justification for using a TL06x other than the low current consumption. The slew-rate is much lower, output capability too. Noise is three times higher on TL06x.
I think you need to analyse the circuit, in order to figure out why they chose a TLO62 instead of a TLO72.
If they carry only control voltages, speed is not an issue, but noise may be.


actually, the TLE206x are specced to have the capability of driving 100ohm loads ...

I guess they are pretty fine for guitar electronics.
thanks everyone

I'll put in some sockets and try all of these suggestions out... The ICs were soldered in directly. 

I'll report back in hopes that someone could find it useful at some point.

I've been very pleased with LT1358's as the in/out amps.  Also upgrading the THAT 2150 audio VCA's with THAT 2180-A chips made for a big improvement.
+1 on the OPA2134s or 2132s. Nix on the NE5532s; they're bipolar input and the bias current is likely to cause all sorts of problems. 5532s are excellent devices in circuits designed for them, but they're not a drop-in replacement for a FET-input opamp like the TL072.

I really love AD8512 opamps. They are not so expensive and can make a big improvement in soundstage. Ideal universal choice for upgrading old mixing consoles, crossovers, effects, compressors etc...
AD823A is another good choice, but it's cost is higher.
OPA2132 is not so bad, but use it only when you haven't AD's  ;)
OPA2132 is not so bad, but use it only when you haven't AD's  ;)

Really?  Any AD's?  Do you have anything to back that up?

Stay away from OPA2604

Really?  Any actual reason?


There's a lot of opinion and nonsense in this thread.  Some really important stuff wrt swapping out op-amps has been mentioned but I will repeat:

- Do you have a scope.  You will need one to check for hf oscillation if one uses significantly faster amps than the originals (which I presume you will).
- Make sure you are aware of current requirements of the replacement amps vs the originals and the psu limits of the device you're working on.
- 5532 is not a drop in replacement for a TL072.  If you don't know why and when it will matter then you probably shouldn't bother (with the 5532s).  If the "sources" that have told you to do this this don't know the exact application then they do not know what they're talking about.


Matt Ward said:
Really?  Any AD's?  Do you have anything to back that up?

No, I thought only two mentioned in my post - 8512, 823. Of course, there are some other very good opamps.

My post isn't a cookbook for complete upgrade, this is only a tip for good and relatively cheap opamps. There are many other todo's and this thread isn't about it, I think  :)