Hi Guys,
A lot in interesting ribbon threads in here
(I have been reading quite some of the list in this thread: http://groupdiy.com/index.php?topic=24012.0)
Now I am actually wondering why the magnets are always placed next to the ribbons?
Ok, this will give the highest magnetic field, but is that the only reason?
In the early days this would have been the only option, due to magnet strength.
But it seems beneficial the shorten the front to back path in order to have more high frequencies,
Shorter patch is less HF cancelation.
But what if you remove the front to back path, or better said, reduce it to the thickness of the ribbon
So instead of leaving a 6mm gap for the ribbon (just to give an example) why not have a 10mm gap?
(in inch that must be something like 0.4" instead of 0.23" )
2mm opening for the sound, 6mm ribbon and then 2mm air again.
This way the sound could pass directly to the back of the ribbon.
With todays stronger neodymium magnets I don't see why this wouldn't be possible.
You will ofcourse widen the motor by factor 2 or 3 (bigger magnets + maybe a pole to focus the magnetic field)
And weight and magnet costs will increase.
You would need to focus the magnetic strength, which could be done by a triangular iron pole or something else with high permeabilty.
The flat site of the triangles toward the magnets, and the pointy side towards the ribbon.
This should make a 10mm gap much easier with less leakage (I would think)
And then put a magentic return path arround the whole thing (to the back sites of the magnets.)
Just thinking out loud.