rip lemmy

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A good run for a hard living life,  no other like him!
I love those classic album shows [ must have been a precursor showing those cut aways of everyone smoking ! ]
spinal tap funny though , thanks
It's actually "Lemmy", but hell yeah - he was rock and roll to the core!  Saw them at the 9:30 Club in DC about 18 years ago - so loud it sounded good at the gas station across the street. 
Not been a good week :'(

We also lost the lead singer of the Easybeats
Friday on my mind, ahead of its time imho.

and the drummer from the Specials, all in their 60's.


And the Mighty Phil Animal Taylor, the drummer for the (imho) best Motorhead lineups,  has also gone recently!
Hadn't noticed that  ::)  :eek:  :-X
There has never been anything to compare to the balls out Rock and Roll that the original line up of Motorhead brought forth from someplace probably best kept the secret that it is.

I saw them the first time they played NYC believe it or not there was no one at the show! It was '81 or '82 at a place called Irving Plaza and the promoters had botched the promotion. No one knew the show was happening. The band was pissed and showed it when they took the stage. They went into the first track of Ace of Spades and played the whole album no breaks right to the last track and walked off the stage. I am still blown away to this day by that show and I kid you not there were less then 20 people in the place!!!

Later in life I had the privilege of meeting Lemmy and talking with him after he had sound checked for a major television show appearance.  I mentioned that I had seen the band the first time they played NYC he laughed in a smirking kind of way and said "well now its come full circle hasn't it"! Truly a gracious gentleman as well as being a lover of music and people. He was not a hater in anyway he just was not afraid to tell you how he felt about something and question it's right to be. Yet never would he take the removal of anything into his own hands. Live and let live damn it! He was one of the true masters of the form as well as a hard living, loving and gracious, yes, gracious person. I hate to admit I was worried that maybe he, they, had lost it with time, but true to form as with all great masters they crushed it. I am not ashamed to say I shed a tear of joy and appreciation for being lucky enough in my life to have witnessed such absolute command of something firsthand!

I saw the band many times, in many incarnations, all great and they always took my breath away. I literally had to remind myself to breathe. Thank all that is right with the world for such things.

RIP Ian Frasier "Lemmy" Kilmister. Words truly escape me!!!!
yeah been bummed out about this,

nobody at the show? that is why he holds his head up, so he won't see that there is nobody in the audience,

Wurzel and Phil Campbell, Pete Gill is from Saxon, who opened for The Head during the Bomber tour,

nobody plays bass like that, cut the lows, add some highs, two amps tuned different, lots of chords,
