Michael Tibes
Well-known member
Trying to stitch together scans of A3 sized schematics I've just come across this tutorial here: http://www.howtogeek.com/100500/how-to-make-scanning-big-pictures-easy-with-freeware-microsoft-ice/
It uses a little MS freeware program from here: http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/redmond/groups/ivm/ice/
It works like a charm, does the stitching automatically, just need to finetune the rotation and crop, ready to go. It's even fast. No Photoshop, Gimp or whatever.
I hope this isn't old news and, maybe it is helpful for some folks here.
It uses a little MS freeware program from here: http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/redmond/groups/ivm/ice/
It works like a charm, does the stitching automatically, just need to finetune the rotation and crop, ready to go. It's even fast. No Photoshop, Gimp or whatever.
I hope this isn't old news and, maybe it is helpful for some folks here.