Some scopes have "X10" timebase 'superipmpose' ability... Looks a lot like that, specially if the distance between repetitions is ten times between the wo images on top of each other...
However, that look slike a 'X7', which I've never heard of specifically, (other than some Russian-made rocket thingy!) so do you have an 'ALT' magnifigation option?
Is that your scope or an image you pulled from someone else's picture?
S-l-o-w the sweep right down until you can follow the horizontal sweep with your eye. -Do you get one slow sweep followed by one really fast sweep on both channels?
If so, you've definately got some sort of alternate magnification sweep going on...
That's just AM modulation running thru a pi x refibulator which is bypassed by a
dual rectum fried pulse generator which is hooked thru a PX system longitudal multiplexer.