Searching for infos/schematics about Siemens console (811605)

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Well-known member
Aug 1, 2009
Here's a picture from a Siemens 811605 console,
I'm searching about infos and schematics.
Thanks for your help! Best regards


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very cool looking board! it must sound right too! is there speakers inside the front panel ???
i've also been searching for some info/schematics for my siemens C3 console for a long time in vain, there's not much info out there.
however your console seems small and simple enough to put back together and even trace the schematic yourself ?
actually that's what i'm suppose to do this summer with my console !
hmm siemens c3? did you try Oliver Archut, I'm quite sure he was talking about these somewhere
maybe try to contact him at tab funkenwerk?
I'm sure I could find the infos for the 811605, it would be so helpful, especially about psu and psu wiring...
Thanks! regards
I have the schematics for that console (but only in paper form; some of the schematics are in A0 format). Is there anything in particular that you are looking for? Maybe I could take a photo of a page or two for you. Copying the entire lot and sending it to you would be too much trouble (read: money) I'm afraid.


moamps said:
I have the schematics for that console (but only in paper form; some of the schematics are in A0 format). Is there anything in particular that you are looking for? Maybe I could take a photo of a page or two for you. Copying the entire lot and sending it to you would be too much trouble (read: money) I'm afraid.


Thanks Milan for your message, It's nice of you!
I'm searching for wiring infos for the psu (which I don't have), how does look your psu?
As well, I would be interested to learn about routing and calibrating procedures.
I am willing to pay to have the book scanned (if not too much expensive..!)
Best regards, Julien
Hi Julien,
I repaired the console for a friend. The original PSU was missing so I
built a new one from scratch using the LM338 three pin reg. The original PSU is simple as well
(24V/4A), as can be seen from the schematic in the picture below.

The Console doesn't have phantom power, and headroom is on the small side, but
the overall performance is very good.

Please send me your address via PM so I can estimate xeroxing&shipping costs.




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thekid777 said:
Perhaps pcb was assembled in Italia??
Offtopic but chicon are very good Andre! how do you prepare them?

Summertime : Finely chopped raw, mixed with a dressing of olive oil , mustard, mayonnaise, basillicum, pepper.

Winter : cooked > rolled in raw ham slice , shredded cheddar cheese on top > oven.

we can always meet in the "brewery" if you like 8)
Changed all the insert to good rca connectors
Keeped all the din connectors and made all cables with galileo/neutrik xlr.
Now in recapping process with silmic on strips and bc/silmic on master part...
Waiting for power one 12A (I think I will have enough with 12A... and got it for 30$)
Begin to look really good

Any feedback about this mixer from users?


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