This is my first post here. I stubled on this forum while doing some research about the SM Pro PR8 E preamp, and I was stunned to see how simple it seems to mod the design. First, just let me say that I'm pretty novice when it comes to electronics. I've got some experience, but not a lot. I really can't understand what most components in a signal path does and why they're there. Some kind of walkthrough would be nice if you've got the patience for it (and if I can find a scheme for the PR8E), otherwise this is what it all comes down to.
From what I understand, the design issues of the original PR8 has been taken care of in the PR8E and I guess that's why the Black Lion mod isn't available anymore, since it would only include changing the opamps. Correct?
Basically; I'm looking for opamp suggestions for the PR8E's input and output stages,both which has JRC4558Ds in it's original state. The BLA mod has LM6172 for the input and NE5532 for the output and seems to have been getting a lot of praise over the boards. The LM6172 however is quite expensive (at least here in Sweden) and pushes the costs up to the point where I could just pick up a used Presonus Digimax D8 and be happy from start instead of spending the same amount of money + hours of soldering and desoldering ICs (and possibly f**king up the PCB.)
So all in all, I'm looking for advices for which opamps that would be suitable here and which sonic qualities/alterations they would provide. Please give me your opinions/experiences!
Best Regards,
Edit: Of course, the first thing I do is post in the wrong forum. Please move this thread.
This is my first post here. I stubled on this forum while doing some research about the SM Pro PR8 E preamp, and I was stunned to see how simple it seems to mod the design. First, just let me say that I'm pretty novice when it comes to electronics. I've got some experience, but not a lot. I really can't understand what most components in a signal path does and why they're there. Some kind of walkthrough would be nice if you've got the patience for it (and if I can find a scheme for the PR8E), otherwise this is what it all comes down to.
From what I understand, the design issues of the original PR8 has been taken care of in the PR8E and I guess that's why the Black Lion mod isn't available anymore, since it would only include changing the opamps. Correct?
Basically; I'm looking for opamp suggestions for the PR8E's input and output stages,both which has JRC4558Ds in it's original state. The BLA mod has LM6172 for the input and NE5532 for the output and seems to have been getting a lot of praise over the boards. The LM6172 however is quite expensive (at least here in Sweden) and pushes the costs up to the point where I could just pick up a used Presonus Digimax D8 and be happy from start instead of spending the same amount of money + hours of soldering and desoldering ICs (and possibly f**king up the PCB.)
So all in all, I'm looking for advices for which opamps that would be suitable here and which sonic qualities/alterations they would provide. Please give me your opinions/experiences!
Best Regards,
Edit: Of course, the first thing I do is post in the wrong forum. Please move this thread.