I always loved the Snarling Dogs pedals.
What was the problem of the pedal?
I had one of those and it sounded great stock
CJ said:
mods done:
rip out C2 and C3 for more hi end,
This is Bass Wah wah pedal, it's supposed not to have a lot of high end and be tuned to the frequencies of the bass guitar
That mod might be fine if you want to turn into guitar wah pedal.
All the Snarling Dogs Wah pedals are based on the same circuitry, there were a lot of different models.
You can reference the schematic of the "Whine-O Wah" if you want to know which circuitry was used for guitar
CJ said:
ripped out one of the series inductors to reflect original crybaby,
A crybaby is so cheap why changing this to be similar to a crybaby when it's a different thing?
The series inductors is part of the magic of this pedals
For stompboxes I recommend you these 2 forums a lot of info there:
Diystompboxes and Freestompboxes
Nice article on Fet boosters: