Sourcing 2*20V transformer in Europe (SSL9K)

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Well-known member
Mar 1, 2009
ETA: I now know that a 2*18V (not 2*20V as specified in BOM) transformer is needed for the SSL9k project. Thanks to the FMs that pointed this out to me

I hope it's ok to ask for help with this, I have been having a nightmare trying to locate a 2*20V transformer for my SSL9K project.
I would prefer a small torroid that would fit into a 1U rack, but I have all but given up on this.
Since Farnell doesn't deliver to individuals, the best I could find is this one at Mouser:
I am not sure about the through-hole mounting though, does that mean the transformer is only attached by the solder joints??

Any help with this would be highly appreciated. Got Gustav's PCBs waiting here, just getting the parts sorted.....
Not in Europe but have stock on a 42Vct  21V - 0 - 21V  80Va at $10.00 ea
listed in RED on my website
2 V 120V inputs so will work in the EU.
Shipping to Europe in a Flat rate envelope will be $15.50 and would have
to find out if I can send 1st class mail if your interested.

In Southern California.

Steve @ Apex Jr.
Why are you having a problem with Farnell ?
They deliver to me all the time, perhaps you just need to say you're "Briomusic" @ your address and get a
cash/ debit account over the phone.
Worked fine for me, though I do run a studio from home.

Hi Marty, are - shall we say - a bit more 'german' about this. They actually want copies of my full company registration  :eek:

They did help me though with a retailer through whom I can buy all the catalogue items (unfortunately at a slightly higher price).

I also managed to find a 2*20V there, albeit not toroid.

APEX - thanks very much for your offer, if this farnell trunny turns out to be humming I will definitely get back to you, just don't want to deal with the shipping costs and times at this point.

Thanks to everyone for their helpful comments :)
Brio, if you need something "specific" from Farnell that you can't find elsewhere, let me know and I'll add it to my next order.
It will just be the cost plus postage to you.
Or let me know what you're after as I have quite a decent "stock" of parts at the moment.
I think that I have an 18-0-18 that I use for 9k's around here, was about 15 euro's IIRC.

I couldn't work out where you're located, but I guess you're in Germany? This shop offers a wide range of transformers in 3 different qualities in Germany and I believe they also do custom jobs in case you need something non-stock:
This one might offer something useful too, but I believe they don't do custom jobs:
Both are high quality audio suppliers, so they might also better understand what we need and what helps.

It might also help to search the yellow pages, I've had power transformers built from local companies in Hamburg exactly to my specs many years ago - and it wasn't much more expensive than the typical Conrad stuff, but way better quality.

Otherwise sometimes a bit of luck on Ebay helps too. I once bought a lot of 30 2x18 V there, which will probably last 'til the end of my diying ;-)

Ah, one more:
They also deliver to private people without company registration

Actually i tried to order from RS-Components in the past and they refused my order because i couldn't backup that i will use the items for a non-private
You can read in their "AGB's" that they don't sell to private people that use the stuff in a non-commercial/non-educational environment.

Back to topic. I have used a 2x18V toroid for my SSL9K's without a problem. Remember that with a bridge rectifier you end up with a high enough voltage
to feed the regulators to regulate the voltage to +/-18V.

MartyMart, thanks for your offer, I have ordered everything for 2*SSL9K now, probably could have had it cheaper but I ran out of patience (have been at this for a couple of weeks before making the original post). I will definitely consider for the next project!

Michael Tibes, those are some great links - thanks. BTW, we have met in Hamburg and London a few years ago, I tried to PM you but your message box is full. I am also in Berlin now, let's meet up sometime!

This forum is fantastic, and I feel like I am just at the beginning of a prolonged DIY obsession....  ::)
I've been lookin at the and it really looks cheap( compared to my usual shop at least)
Its a shame that there is no english version of their site..
Does any non-german people have any experience ordering from there(are there any extra taxes etc.)??
Just had a look on their website, and it says minimum order €150 for delivery outside Germany.
It doesn't say if there are any additional costs for the delivery (two prices are given for advance payment and payment on delivery "Nachname" which is probably not possible outside Germany).

In this (german) thread people are discussing reichelt and differences they have experienced in parts ordered from there compared to those sourced elsewhere.

Personally, I use reichelt a lot, especially for semiconductors.
I buy almost exclusively from farnell and always as an individual. No problem here. Using farnell export, though...  :-\
But then again, wouldn't a 2x18V be just fine?  ??? ???
I have ordered from Farnell several times as an individual.
The only thing they want is that you specify your order as a 'private order', and pay them in advance.
Minimum order 50 Euro.
What about the power of this transformer?
30VA will useless/too much?
i'm planning to make a 4channel version, how much power needs each pcb?

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