Spring Reverb with VCA

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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2004

I finally got hold of a cpl of spring reverb tanks (1ohm input impedence/170(ish)ohm output impedence) and came across this site: http://homepage.ntlworld.com/henry01/spring_reverb/spring_reverb.htm which has schemos for the drive ckt n whatnot...any comments?

Also, I thought it'd be sweet to have a c/v input for the wet/dry mix control so could feed in a gate signal and have a choppy echoey type effect - any ideas how to add that in?

Finally, I'm gonna be using this box on a aux send say off the desk and run the out back into a channel - as i'm balanced from me d/a onwards, is it worth balancing the i/o or just leave as is?


choppy echoey type effect

I built a reverb/trem unit years ago, and I made the trem switchable to act only on the reverb, to give an "echo" effect like you describe. I don't recall the details right now, but if it comes to me, I'll let you know.

But in essence, it's simple enough: you build an LFO and a signal-modulating element, just as in a tremolo, but you only modulate the reverb signal.
Hey Dave...

Sounds cool - if anymore info springs (aha, geddit =p) please do shout :)

Was also thinking if a vca was going in, a strong compressor would be another tasty option...

Rossi, nice lookin unit for further inspiration :thumb:



Fairchild made the 658 "reverbatron" which was a spring reverb and mondo compressor after it. I bet it Roars.
old post resurrection, I know, but does anyone have any schems or info on that fairchild reverbatron? I have a friend who's bringing one over here in about an hour, so I'll be able to take a good look at it.....

He doesn't know really, but he seems to think that it's either broken or missing its spring tank.

Could be a pretty awesome project if someone has any info.....


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