SSL6000 stuck in mono?

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Well-known member
Jan 28, 2009
Heading over to a studio where this is the case... I don't know a lot of the details yet. just that "it's in mono everywhere, won't pan"

Just thought I would post this to get some feedback for things to look for when I get there...
Monitor source selection can cause issues... check to see if the mono switch is illuminated... and even if it isn't, check and replace the bulb if necessary!
shoot, I've encountered that issue several times, why don't I keep notes about common and oddball faults with the steps I did to repair them?

I seem to recall the tl074 that makes the monitor mono being out in one situation. The Light and the  actual "relay" control line are separate. I would check the black heat shrink SSL used for underboard mounting. I've seen that stuff be so corroded it makes some weird logic happen.
I have used these sleeves on a patchbay, I guess it was bad choice  :(
At the time I used this, I found it was convenient to just slide the sleeve over the jack solder lugs instead of take heat gun and shrink

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