SSL9K service manual??!!

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The service manual is in several volumes, 100s and 100s of pages. There are many voltages and signals going to and from the channel. If you can find someone that has successfully done this and get their notes you will save yourself many hours...
Hey nielsk,I talked with a cat in Nashville that rack these,he won't give me any info,said that,that is what he does and can't take a chance on me taking his business,he want like $900 for psu and to put it in one of his chassis.i would like to keep mine just like it is.But I'm still searching.Thanks for your help though...
are you refering to a complete channel strip? As nielsk noted and what I have on hand, there are 4 volumes of circuits and diagrams.  what exactly are you looking for?

Just pinouts and connections?
Pucho812,I have the whole channelstrip,I think all I need is to figure out the power rails and about the logic,if you have any idea I sure would be very grateful.
You really need just about the complete 1 of 3 volume, because you want to take a couple of modules and power them into channel strips.  That is about 100 schematics.

Honestly, $900 is a good price to do that!  You have to do the planning for a hardwire bypass to remove the brains half of the module, then spend hours of machining the modules and rack, and then hours upon hours putting it all together.  THEN more hours trying to figure out why it does not work!  Add on the cost of parts and $900 is a sweet deal. 


Hey man,that was $900 each,plus I really would like to keep it like it is and not rerack it.This is what a fellow member told me...

With the 4k you do the usual bipolar +/- 17.5v  you then hang a smaller 6v supply backwards, connecting the negative to +17v to give a subtracted +11v.

The logic is then Yes= 17.5v and No= 11v.F

So if you put 17v to the mix status line, the channel think it sees the master section and all elements are configured in the right order.

You then just pop XLR tails for Line in, Mic in, Insert send and return, you then use the gout out as the out amp.

The 9k will have a similar kind of Logic system, and power rails. But I've never seen a schematic
It's a little deeper than that, even with the 4K.  You have the computer to bypass and other logic functions need jigging.  All of the channel schemos are in book 2 of 3.  There is no single edge connector page, but these are your go-to points.  They should be verified by another source for accuracy as I am skimming quickly over three different sheets;
Top connector, EC14
119 mic+
121 com
120 mic-  ?not sure it is hole punched
126 line+
127 line-
114 mon+
115 mon-
155 group+
125 group com
153 group-

151-152 +8 Dig
141,143,144 Dig ground
145,146,155,156,159,160,167,168, plus another 10 or so pins 0vl Analog
147-148 -18  Analog
149-150 +18 Analog
139-140 -22 FETs
142 +48 Phantom

This list in no way "all there is", it is not guaranteed accurate, and is not a suggestion, implied or otherwise from me to anyone to power SSL 9K modules outside a console mainframe. 
Even at $900 each, the racking is still a good deal, but I understand you don't want to chop the modules.  Maybe you can make an agreement with the guy to supply the wired and labelled backplane connectors and you do the frankenrack work and power supplies?  You both save time and $$.
Thanks sodderboy,I just talked to dude,he will sell me a psu for one channel for $250,I think I will drive it down to Nashville so he can take a look at it,that way I can gain the knowledge and maybe I will be able to help someone else here.Thanks again...

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