[quote author="thermionic"]Hi Steve,
Not sure how much use this will be to an experienced synth tech such as yourself, but I started a thread a few days ago that touched on this subject: http://www.groupdiy.com/index.php?topic=25005
Hi Justin, wish I had seen your thread before. As an owner of a Yamaha CS-80, (I have had several) I do agree with Old Crow as far as that particular synth goes - I replace every 4000 series, particularly on the aftertouch board, and add decoupling caps. As for replacing them out of hand in a Prohet V, I would only do that if the machine was going to be used on a major tour and had to be made as bullet proof as possible. It isn't really practical to swap out all the old CMOS in most machines.
I have just recapped an AMS reverb, and I have an AMS delay to do soon, and both these units are full of tantalums, and fairly high voltage ratings, so they are very expensive to re-cap, tantalums don't come cheap. But in a device like this I don't mess with the original design.
Where tantalums are a real problem is in ARP synths, where each board usually has 2 10uF tantalums where the +/- 15V rails come in, and they go short all the time as they are so old. ARP Omni's have dozens of them in the keyboard circuit, and I have had no problem replacing them with electro's.
Got a Moog Sonic 6 in today, the customer says there is smoke.... bet you it is a tantalum.
As JR points out, they are often used in timing circuits in older synths, and also on high-impedance keyboard CV memory circuits, so best to leave the tantalums in there.