Summing mixer - with Output Transformer LL1539 - help needed

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Feb 28, 2009
Hallo everybody, I rarely dare to post because I am generally more than satisfied by the amount of informations contained here, so that searching around and experimenting is usually enough to fix my beginners issues.

This time I feel I need someone to help me out though, I'll try to explain briefly and I welcome anyone's help.

I am developing my own version of an active summing mixer to interface with my DAW, it has 14 balanced inputs and stepped attenuation for each channel, and it is amplified by a balanced transformer driver network with uses mixed feedback.

For the schematic, I used the example suggested in Walt Jung's Opamp Applications Handbook, particularly the last transformer driver example where he suggests to use an LL1517 trafo. (pag 489).

Not, since I happen to own two LL1539 I wonder if I will be able to use it instead the 1517 for this applicaion. The 1539 schematic has an example of use thought for balancing an unbalanced source, and I am trying to figure out how to proceed with the wiring according to my case.

Please see if you can help me out with this. Also, I wonder if anybody thinks this configuration to drive a summing network makes sense or I am going into the wrong direction..

Thanks for the attention,

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