switching vactrols

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Well-known member
Oct 11, 2005

     I'll be building DAOC  and  was thinking of  switchable vactrols, (also I'll go for a full wave rect. as in Kubi advanced version rather than having leds in parallel & anti parallel). Idea is to have VTL5C4/2  and VTL5C3/2  which is much faster, switchable from the front panel. I'm not sure is it ok to keep resistor side  in parallel of all  vactrols (4vactrols in total in parallel) at all times hard wired, and to switch only the led part(s), or shall i switch between vactrol "sets" (2xVTL5C4/2 or 2xVTL5C3/2), both, the resistor and the led part. Hope this sounds clear.
Thank you
If the light is dark, the LdR will quickly go to 1Meg and soon over 10Meg.

In many cases, this is equivalent to yanking it out.

If that's acceptable, then just switch the LED.
Thank you PRR. Switching the led part only will work, I tried it. However there is less compression with VTL5C3/2 for the given threshold setting. No big deal.
But did you think on wiring the both VACTROL SETS in SERIES and HARD SHORTING one series at the time with a ON-ON switch?

This should get closest to the "clean" modus-operandi. Ymmv...
You could do that on BOTH "sides" of a vactrol: on "photo-resitor" side and on the "led" side (my post wasnt really clear about that).

In essence, you "stack" them, but then you short-out ("remove" from circuit) those who arent needed in a particular "mode of operation".

Should I patent that? But of course, hey!
some "dual" vac.

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