TC Konnekt48 service manual needed..

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Thanks for the comments, guys.
Just trying to fix my faulty SK48 by myself (no more firewire, power button led flashing) before sending it to Melison (french repair center).
All the best.
no more firewire

Hot Plugged or deplugged? Burned chip maybe? Seems to be a common fault on Firewire devices...
SMD in there so..., i've seen Firewire boards getting burned bad, copper track taken out with parts half blown away :eek:
repair possible i guess, but always better to know the part, on one of the device i saw, there were some TVS Diode Array's
and two smd inductors on each Firewire lines, now i'm not an expert in that domain so it neither helped  :-\

Good Luck.
Check for Correct PSU voltages.........usually +/- 15v analogue ,+5v digital.
TC's PSU's are notorious for a certain bug,
And Schematics and Manuals are rarerer than unicorns and gold at the end of the rainbow !
s2udio said:
Check for Correct PSU voltages.........usually +/- 15v analogue ,+5v digital.
TC's PSU's are notorious for a certain bug,
And Schematics and Manuals are rarerer than unicorns and gold at the end of the rainbow !

Probably what mine is exhibiting.. depending on the weather and time it requires 0 to 3 power cycles to properly start up. Usually this is indicated by not showing the TC loading logo on LEDs, sometimes just the firewire connector won't go on. I need to open it up and see if it's trimmed for correct voltages since I got it from UK and didn't bother to check yet... once on, it works well through most of the day and rarely crashes. Similar thing to do to my alphalink too I guess..
PSU recap works wonders..........they run pretty hot after a few hours of use and the electros inevitably dry out after a couple or yrs hard useage, quicker if racked !
Then the PWM chip dies.
I've checked supply voltages. You're right, psu is faulty. Just order a new one.
Thanks for the help.
All the best.
Nahh  recap it..  much cheaper than a new one....... what a rip off.....
Even from PMS. :eek:

Don,t throw it in the bin....mail it to me.

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