THAT and dbx 202XT 202R and 2002T Modular VCA deleted

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I have a 202XT on the shelf which I've been meaning to trace for longer than I care to admit. This is very generous of you to post them here, Wayne - thanks! :guinness:

Very cool.

The 2002 looks quite a bit like the replacement part PAD is(was?) marketing (for ~$250).

IIRC, VR2 is to trim for minimum distortion. I'm sure it'll say somewhere in the 2181 lit.

All I need now is to whup up some boards and figure out what to use for the standoffs. Heh. Anything has to be better than rebuilding the original SSL units.
Doh! Maybe I should read the schematic a bit more closely before commenting. Symmetry's obviously off board. When you get that explained, I'd love to hear about it.

And by the time I've finished writing this, you have. Thanks again.

I can't seem to find it on the PADS site, but my connection's a bit slow right now, and the site doesn't like loading for me. I suppose I could call or email.

Oh, no. Augat seems to have slipped into the black hole that is Tyco. I'll never find anything so mundane as pins. Doomed, we're doomed I tell you (/Dr. Smith). There's bound to be some sort of tinnable tubing out there somewhere. Nails, indeed. Makes me think of the early hard drive experiments where the magnetic coating was paint from the Golden Gate Bridge. It just happened to be handy and chock full of oxide.
That's the one. I remember seeing it at the show some years back. Good to know they still have it. There's an E series center section I know that could use fresh ones. L/R tracking just ain't what it used to be.

Tyco is a mite bit confusing. At least Vishay leaves the original brand names as a subcategory.

Hmm, I'll have to look at those. Might have to flip the whole bit upside down, but that always has seemed the right thing to do anyway. Mouser may not have it, but it looks like MillMax does make something that will work. Now I've got to go measure...
> early hard drive experiments where the magnetic coating was paint from the Golden Gate Bridge.

Oxide recording was developed by Germans and used barn paint. Red oxide works, is available dirt cheap (it's practically dirt anyway) in huge piles in very fine powder size, pre-mixed with a binder.

Classic steel primer is the same powder.

It appears the GG bridge was done in Red Lead (lead tetroxide), which would be awful recording media. They no longer use the lead, but not iron oxide either. The steel may have been shipped in red-iron primer, or it may just be "like the GG Bridge's primer".

FIVE BUCKS to cross?????? Last time I was over, it was 25 cents. (But they got you both ways.)

Hell, I remember throwing a nickle to cross the Tacony-Palmyra. They talked about making it free when the mortgage was paid off; instead it's gone up to two bucks. $4.50 if your pickup has dualies.
Meh, I thought that might have been apocryphal. Rats. Another good Silicon Valley story down the tubes.

Yeah, for the fiver, part of me is glad I don't commute to Sausalito anymore. What's worse is they stuck us on the rest of the bridges for four. There was a big vote to go to three, and within what seemed like no time at all, the Governator decided not to pay for the new Bay Bridge span out of the State till. Blammo, four bucks. Doubled over the course of about a year.

They always talk about making it free once it's paid off, don't they? Why, they said the same thing about that Bay Bridge I just mentioned. Ah, well.

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