The Nazi Amp!😱

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rock soderstrom

Tour de France
Oct 14, 2009
I just bought a bass amp for buttkicker duties. It is defective and has a dark secret!

Party in the front...

Nazi in the back!

Its not far off the Waffen SS logo but maybe different enough to avoid getting in trouble , I know symbols of the Reich are mostly illeagal to display in Germany now a days . The industrial giant Siemens logo figures two S's also .

I couldnt help thinking about Mel Brooks movie 'The Producers' ,
Surprized Gene Simmons is not all over that!

KISS was very close with their logo. From the first tour in Europe, KISS used a different logo in Germany (Europe?) to avoid any judicial problems. KISS consisted in their own words at that time to 50% of Jews and designed the logo only for aesthetic reasons "because it looks cool".

The following article explains the story well:


  • 450px-KISS_logo_2.svg.png
    13.1 KB
Telefunken also use the lightning strike in their logo .
The flashes in the Telefunken logo rather represent sparks. The "Funken" (spark) in TeleFunken refer to the radio wave triggering sparks that were seen in early radio transmitters. Even today, the two-way communication via radio waves is called "funken" in the German language and the person doing it is called "Funker"(radio operator)

The SS symbol is derived from the old Germanic Sieg Runes. The Nazis were partly into this old stuff and used it to give themselves a historical veneer. In truth, the Nazi movement, like all fascism, was a modernist political current of the early 20th century.
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Native Americans used the "swastika" symbol centuries before Hitler and his minions. I was born and raised in Oklahoma. Before statehood in 1907, much of Okla. was called "Indian Territory" because so many tribes had been moved onto reservations. Many still exist in remaining areas:
The "Indian Lands" of Oklahoma have recently been in regional news because of legal battles involving the Nations, the state, and the USA government. Another story for another day.

Long story short....many symbols that have "modern", evil connotations predate their corruption in recent times.
