The problems of moving .... country ! SOLVED :-)

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Well-known member
Feb 28, 2006
Berlin for a while
Boxes ..... boxes .... everywhere !

Then you slowly get through all the important stuff, many months later .....

I seem to have lost my collection of tubes for the LA2A's ... I had enough for 2 x stereo's
and a pair of mono's too.... plus spares    :-(  ...... and several for the PM670 ... !
All the "musiKding" 7 pin ceramic sockets are missing too !    = ( expensive loss )

Good news is I found my other collection of vintage Mullard tubes, so I have some nice ECC81/82/83 & El84's at least.

You'll probably find the missing tubes.

The first thing I found, after mooving house, needing just the basic inventory, was a Muffin Cake stand :)
Cake stand .... useful !! :)

Have torn the place apart and I cannot find them :-(

One chance is that they ended up with my brother by mistake, he stores a few things for me.

Next time ask me to store them for you and you will have no problem of finding them,


being utilised in my gear ;D
Found the valves at my brothers house :)



... well most of them .... phew !

It's taken me four months to track down some tools and components after a move from the UK to the Netherlands. I knew everything was in one room too; just in very big boxes I couldn't quite see to the bottom of.

Unpacking is a bore!
I've been in my house for 5 years and I'm still missing two entire preamps, a couple sets of tubes and a bunch of other stuff. Glad you found it all though.
Problem was not being able to bring "everything" and running out of time before the truck came !

It seems he also has a load of VU meters ( I forgot so have bought more !! ) and some
very rare transistors and special IC's etc... they should have come with me.

Listing everything would have taken me another week so finding stuff is a constant pain, though
I have started to list and organize what's here !

grumble grumble !
One year ago I moved 6km, from Friedrichshain to Karlshorst.

Still missing all my studio cabling (loads of work) and 12 GDIY511 PSU transformers (financial loss).
Well, I used a cheap company moving my boxes ...
[silent:arts] said:
One year ago I moved 6km, from Friedrichshain to Karlshorst.

Still missing all my studio cabling (loads of work) and 12 GDIY511 PSU transformers (financial loss).
Well, I used a cheap company moving my boxes ...

Sorry to hear that Volker :-(

Well my father used to say "you get what you pay for" - amongst many other wise things and he was
absolutely correct !!
"Buy cheap, buy twice" also comes to mind :)

Funny how you ignore all that advice when you're young, then later it makes perfect sense.

My next move will have A4 sheets inside every box, listing what is in there in detail !!!
