> DCR scares me
It's 5% of the nominal audio impedance, so functionally fine.
> keep bias reasonable to keep idle current down
Over-volted 7189 (and abused 6BQ5/EL84) amps ran quite teeny bias, maybe 20mA/tube. In 200 Ohm DCR, just 4V drop (so not affecting tube bias at ALL) Twice, is less than 1/4W of heat in the winding.
If by "thin" you are worried about winding-rot, move somewhere dry. (Canada?) And if it does fail, any of the million 6V6/EL84 OTs can drop-in and play fine.
In my limited experience, early small Traynors need 30 years of kludges un-done, new tubes, and some pot and jack cleaning. The 3rd model BassMate begs for a less "unique" tonestack and gain-staging, but the world is full of "normal" amps, it may be time to leave the early Traynors un-molested (or re-un-molested) and let them be special.