So more back story on this build.
I based this on one of the original Trident A Range consoles, the last one I think? The big blue one.
And the original documentation. A D-size original schematic and the original layout. So when I drew up the schematic and the layout I tried to stay as close as possible.
Also, examined several original channels. The caps through different channels on the original had been replaced. Some tants some electrolytics. Wima MKPs.
So I got some sample pcbs and built up a channel and brought it over to the studio for direct comparison to the board.
The conclusion was that it sounded very similar, except for the mid and midhigh (inductor based EQ channels). The low and high sounded extremely similar. The HPF and LPF sounded extremely similar.
Went back to the drawing board on the inductors. The inductances looked correct for hitting the frequencies, but something was wrong in the tone. I sent a high res picture of the inductors in the originals to ChrioN, and he identified that the core material was different than he used. The core material for the Trident was not typical. But he was able to get the cores and wound new inductors for my build.
After installing these and going back to the studio, the listening test was very successful. The original and my build sounded and behaved very closely - as closely as any two channels of the original anyway.