trouble in PM1000 land...

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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2004
Cincinnati, OH
Hey Guys,
I had both modules racked and running fine, tracking like a man possesed.. when one went on the still works, different gains on the rotary gain switch (it has fixed points) it alternates between woking with a buzzing on some settings and not working at all on others. the phantom power doesn't work..the eq makes a pretty raunchy squealing when you boost a band..(with a dynamic mic plugged in) other unit is working like a dream..I checked the B+, input and output connections, disconnected the phantom but it is still crap...any ideas? bad cap? input transformer?

Ray doesn't work as a single either (I am pretty good about going thru the various a/b set ups to isolate the problem) worked fine for a week (with both racked)..these guys use very little in terms of amperage...I think it shorted by touching the metal rack I mounted them in..I didn't have enough space on the bottom..I am still waiting to test it..the mid band on the eq was the first thing to go so maybe it is an inducter or cap problem.....the original power supply on these consoles was I believe around 8 amps or so..for 32 modules, phantom power and the headphone amp..
