So I've been doing alot of reading about transformer loading and have a couple of questions. I guess I should first state the transformer and circuit I'm going to use. It's a Jensen JT-115K-E ( into an API 312.
So to my understanding, I shouldn't have to add aditional load to the front end of the transformer because it's designed to handle microphone impeadance. However the output of the transformer does need to be loaded to get the correct impeadance into the 2520.
Without load, the 115, has an output imeadance of 17k. In all the 'typical application' circuit on the data sheet, they have a 125k resistor in paralel on the secondary to give a total output impeadance of 83.5k (Rt = (R1+R2)/2)[R1 being 17k (the output impeadance) and R2 being the 125k resistor).
So I've replaced R1 (( I'm using a 325 retrofitting to a 312) with a 100K ohms.
The 2520 has an input impeadance of "greater the 10M ohms". So let so 10M ohms is the minimum. I read somewhere that briding (having at least 10 times the destination impeadance then the source impeadance) is ideal to transfer the maximum amount of voltage and to minimum amount of distortion and frewuency chage. So the 10M ohm input impeadance is around 120 times the source impeadance of 83.5. Is this okay?
Am I correct in doing so? Or is my logic all flawed?
So to my understanding, I shouldn't have to add aditional load to the front end of the transformer because it's designed to handle microphone impeadance. However the output of the transformer does need to be loaded to get the correct impeadance into the 2520.
Without load, the 115, has an output imeadance of 17k. In all the 'typical application' circuit on the data sheet, they have a 125k resistor in paralel on the secondary to give a total output impeadance of 83.5k (Rt = (R1+R2)/2)[R1 being 17k (the output impeadance) and R2 being the 125k resistor).
So I've replaced R1 (( I'm using a 325 retrofitting to a 312) with a 100K ohms.
The 2520 has an input impeadance of "greater the 10M ohms". So let so 10M ohms is the minimum. I read somewhere that briding (having at least 10 times the destination impeadance then the source impeadance) is ideal to transfer the maximum amount of voltage and to minimum amount of distortion and frewuency chage. So the 10M ohm input impeadance is around 120 times the source impeadance of 83.5. Is this okay?
Am I correct in doing so? Or is my logic all flawed?