Heyo, I'm pretty new to doing mods/designs that haven't been pioneered or well documented already, so forgive any lack of knowledge on this one. Here's the skinny:
In theory, all this would require is finding a 6 lead potentiometer of about 20k, wiring it to the existing leads on the pentode PCP properly, and puting a 5k resistor in-between the relevant lead going to the low on the board, right? Or is there more that I need to be thinking about/measuring in terms of the pre-existing pots?
I appreciate all input and resources as I'm pretty new to this kinda thing, thanks so much!
- I want to take two trim pots and turn them into one, meaning turning beyond center position will increase one value and decrease the other and vice-versa for turning the other way
- The trim pots on the circuit are both thru-hole 3 lead (pos, grnd, neg) so should be easy to remove/modify
- There is a resistance difference I measured with the current trim pots- the low cut/boost is 25k ohm vs the high 20k ohm
- The idea is to take the Bax-style EQ on the LTL Pentode mk2 colour module and turn it into a tilt EQ (similar to the one on their Mister Focus)
In theory, all this would require is finding a 6 lead potentiometer of about 20k, wiring it to the existing leads on the pentode PCP properly, and puting a 5k resistor in-between the relevant lead going to the low on the board, right? Or is there more that I need to be thinking about/measuring in terms of the pre-existing pots?
I appreciate all input and resources as I'm pretty new to this kinda thing, thanks so much!