For my own learning out of spare parts I soldered together a point to point version of the u67, as per common schematic, I'm using a u87ai capsule and grill. I have various Mallard Marconi and Mazda valves to audition. I'm using a Max Kircher transformer . As a reference I have my u87ai mic I also have a violet design vin 67 lollipop capsule... The VIN 67 is a k67 style capsule in a lollipop head and is designed to sound like a u67 microphone when used in conjunction with a flat amplifier body, I have various bodies I use it with. I have never used a real u67 but have an idea what it should sound like. After reading many many threads I have read the max transformer may sound a little darker than others, A friend gave it to me, He picked it up cheap from eBay, I think it may have been taken out of a microphone thought to sound too dark.... I have built into my experimental mic a switch to switch in c17, switches for S1 and S2 on original schematic and a switch to switch in the tertiary winding on transformer. When all switches are set up as original u67 the mic does sound a little dark, ribbonesque you might say quite a bit darker than my vin 67 lollypop but in the same ballpark, not unusable but I don't think it's right probably due to transformer as everything else is as u67 well as close as I can get . For fun I auditioned about 25 C9 capacitors .47 .5 and 1uf, I chose the brightest sounding one to compensate.It is a sprage .47. I feel I have quite a good way to test the sound of the mic all be it unscientific. I am a singer so I choose a song , set up a mic pre and compressor, I'm quite good at singing the exact same verse over and over .I sing the verse, quickly solder in a different capacitor or component and sing the verse on another track and A and B the takes, I only really record vocals so only need cardiod. Im enjoying this circuit I have more experiments to do.