vovox cable?

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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2004

It looks like some of the pro audio cable is not shielded?

That makes me think it is possable, it is twisted pair for some hum,noise reduction?

Si plated Cu I would guess teflon covered?

This seems a little out there to me.

I did not even look up the cost and I wonder if it has handling noise?

I saw a post at Klaus's about the cable
[All VOVOX® sound conductors follow the same design basics. In contrast to most suppliers of cables, when optimizing our products we do not gear them to some physical values such as the ohmic resistance or capacity. That?s because we have learned through much extensive testing, that the effects of a sound conductor are too complex to be reduced to a few measurables. And, it is not our target to develop cables with outstanding data sheet values, but sound conductors with the best possible sound transmission properties. The best measurement device for this purpose is definitely the human sense of hearing.

Arrangement of conductors
Current induces magnetic fields in any conductor. If the distance between two conductors is too small, interactions and interferences are created. The result is an audible loss of sound quality. As a result, we arrange the conductors in a well-defined, large distance.

Signal, return signal, and shield
The conductors within a cable must fulfil several functions. The shield has the main function of protecting the signal conductor from interference. In most cables, the shield is also used as the return signal conductor. VOVOX® consequently separates these functions. This may be a more complex construction, yet it results clearly in better sound quality.

Conductor materials
The selection of the right conductor material is crucial for the sound. The basis of all VOVOX® sound conductors is silver-plated solid-core conductors made from ultra-pure copper. Because silver has an even better conductivity than copper, the current density is additionally enhanced in the important surface boundary.

Ultra-pure polymers
VOVOX® sound conductors are covered with two layers of high-tech polymers. Although plastics are not directly involved in the signal transmission, they do have an effect on the sound quality. VOVOX® doesn?t use any PVC. Only ultra-pure plastics without plasticizers are used. Even the use of colour pigments is avoided.
And my patriotism falls towards zero...

IIRC, I wanted to attend a demo where they "proofed" the audible improvement. Unfortunately, there was no place left. Good luck for them, perhaps.

I just don't get it....

Some of their cable has no shield, and then they say this:

...we arrange the conductors in a well-defined, large distance.

Well, there goes the idea that noise will be common mode on a balanced cable.

But its all okay people because:
In contrast to most suppliers of cables, when optimizing our products we do not gear them to some physical values such as the ohmic resistance or capacity. That?s because we have learned through much extensive testing, that the effects of a sound conductor are too complex to be reduced to a few measurables. And, it is not our target to develop cables with outstanding data sheet values, but sound conductors with the best possible sound transmission properties. The best measurement device for this purpose is definitely the human sense of hearing.

Allow me to paraphrase:

"We have learned through extensive testing that the general public, and audiophiles in particular are a bunch of suckers. We have shown time and again that with sufficiently slick marketing and high retail prices that we can create cables that sound audibly better (to those that want them, and those that see them....but double blind tests, we won't mention them). It is not our intent to develop cables with the best data sheet values, because the research above shows that people who buy expensive cable don't care, they want something thats different and we're willing to give it to them. PT Barnum was right, there's a sucker born every minute and we're willing to sell em cable!"

I really need to get into the cable selling biz....

I think the only way to become a cable snob is to disregard everything that happens within the boxes you connect with said cables. I mean, if you took one of those magic cables, cut it in half and soldered 1 inch of the normal thinnish copper cable inbetween that is typically used inside a CD player to connect PCB and plug, those guys would go crazy. :green:
I find stuff like this funny. Electromagnetics/physics of cables is taught in school the science is well understood.

I love it with the fancy cables outside connected to a piece of wire inside(like Rossi posted).

Then the Copper PCB traces and solder on a not so good dielectic PCB material..............but great shielding compromised cables!
Oh not to say I have been audiophooled. But was once given a demo of speaker cable using an amp, cd player and NS-10's this "higher quality cable" was far more expensive then say the average go to for expensive cable M*O*N*S*T*E*R*. I did hear a difference. I acutally heard a difference. One set did sound sound better then the other. But in the whole grand scheme of things in a pro studio no one would notice or care because there is too much to deal with. I am not going to take my time and audition cables especially when K*I*M*B*E*R* cable is about $6000.00(us) for a 6 FT speaker pair. OF course then again any twister speaker pair that is around 10 AWG will make NS-10's sound great. :twisted:
everybody has their opinions, but this statement:

[All VOVOX® sound conductors follow the same design basics. In contrast to most suppliers of cables, when optimizing our products we do not gear them to some physical values such as the ohmic resistance or capacity. That?s because we have learned through much extensive testing, that the effects of a sound conductor are too complex to be reduced to a few measurables. And, it is not our target to develop cables with outstanding data sheet values, but sound conductors with the best possible sound transmission properties. The best measurement device for this purpose is definitely the human sense of hearing.

is TRUE like it or not.

I was pointed to some interesting and informational reading about cables, then did a lot of study on my own about it and found that specs can mean almost nothing in the short distances that we audio folks use.

the main gremlins that plague us are really our own faults, flourescent ballasts, improper grounding, RFI, etc... the best cable in the world won't help if your mic is sitting next to a ballast or if your studio is next to a radio tower.

people tend to forget that copper is copper and the purity and other qualities can possibly affect audio at levels that are negligable or if you are trying to send high frequencies(mhz, ghz..) through it.

think about it.. What wire is used in your monitors? is it some kind of gold/silver/aluminum hybrid that is perfect? or is it just a regular tinned copper wire? is 20 feet of the best stuff you can buy going to overcome some .10$ wire in that monitor?
:green: :green: :green:

cat 5 cable

works on everything

if you want to spend the big bucks .... :roll: cat 6 !! ..... :green: :green:

red sounds better than blue .... :razz: