I am still unclear about what defines "low" and "high" impedence.. I have always thought in terms of current sourcing and current sinking.
I have never seen a straight answer to certain questions like:
when we say "low" impedence I assume this means a low number value which is easier to drive, but when we talk about transformers, we usually talk about the AC impedence through the coil itself. So when we talk about impedence in solid state circuits, that value is generally measured to ground since we cannot measure "through" it. This would make a low number value the opposite, a higher value for our parts to fight against. Of course if you look at it another way, low impedence means that we aren't wasting our current as heat or flux in a trafo circuit and therefor have to sink more current on the return, but then again in solid state the receiving circuit is the part that demands the levels of drive we feed it and it either gets enough, starves or melts the driver by demanding too much.
so which is it? Are we really supposed to measure all nodes to ground and reference them that way? or is it truly different for the type of circuit that you are testing?