here´s a quick listing of the caps I used:
2.2uf 100V poly 10-20mm C55,69
2.2uf 63V poly 7.5-10mm C68,84
470nf poly 5mm C38,39,64,65,93,94
100nf Ceramic/poly 5mm C45,C63,C85,CX,CX
470pf poly 5mm C59,83
330pf poly 5mm C57,58,71,82
100pf poly 5mm C56,61,70,86
10pf ceramic 5mm C48
3.3pf ceramic 5mm C46,47,73,74
220uF 25V Electrolytic 5mm C34,62,92
10uf 25V Electrolytic 5mm C72
Poly means "Polyester" or -film caps (I prefer WIMA).These are the red ones in the attached pic.
Electrolytics are the bigger round ones (you want "RADIAL",axial means they would lay flat on their side-so won´t fit),ceramics are the very small ones.Don´t search for C63,it´s mounted on the bottom side.
Hope to have helped,
best regards,