> I added 470K to ground.
That is way-large for 553x. Input bias can be a half microAmp. In half-Meg resistor that is a *quarter Volt* of offset.
This part-Volt is applied directly *to your headphone*. No, wait, first amplified by gain-of-eleven.... over TWO Volts (worst case) DC at your headphones.
Any why a Hundred uFd of cap to drive a 470K load? Bass response is 0.0034 Hertz! Even the quarter-dB point is 0.027Hz!
Make 553x input resistor like 50K.
Make C6 more like 1uFd.
The smaller cap will not leak so much DC. If you favor exotic-juice caps, you can use even more exotic cap and stay on budget. Even lose the 100nFd.
-3dB is now at 3Hz. -0.3dB is near 20Hz. There's no headphone alive with 0.3dB accuracy at 20Hz.
Actually, _I'd_ put some DC block before the THAT1200. Who knows what crap may come in from external sources? Most are benign, but a few leak bad. Then C6 is not essential.
If you must use that monster 100uFd cap, put it in series with R15. That kills the gain-of-11-at-DC factor. With ~~50K bias and DC-block at R15, the output DC should be 0.025V (probably less). This adds a bass-cut at 1.6Hz, -0.3dB at 13Hz.
You also need a low-ish bias resistor on IC1 because when your switch is between contacts and "open", the floating input will suck-up all the buzz in the room and half the radio stations in town. The lower the impedance the better. In this case the 2.5K impedance of your 10K string suggests staying well over 25K for <1dB "error" in your 3dB steps. Though if your ears are not calibrated in precise 3dB jumps, a little error may be unimportant.