"Wire and Interconnects" meta?

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Well-known member
Dec 19, 2005
New Hampshire
I really thought there was already one of these on the board.. perhaps I just can't find it.
Would other people find this useful? I know I've been shopping for the various types of wire and connectors I'm going to need and the variety makes it very difficult to choose the best types. Now, I really don't know enough about the subject to start a meta about it myself, but perhaps someone here does? Things like what kind of wire to use for audio signals as opposed to ordinary hookup wire, the difference between stranded and solid core, what kinds of sheilding is available and how to properly ground it, what gauge is appropriate for different currents and when to use a twisted pair, When is coax a good idea, and when is it overkill etc etc etc. Headers and connectors are a bit easier to figure out, but there is still enough options and some bad ones out there, I've not happy with the small flat black connectors that I've been using, and I'm hoping that the white molex connectors I've just got will prove to be better, but even these don't seem as nice as what I've seen on pro gear (and many of the projects on this forum)
Belden cable college on their website. very good resource for choosing wire. find the white paper from steve lampen on wire myths and truths.
Just so happens I was writing some notes from various thread last night about this

And there are quite a few posts here on it
Tube Mic Cable




SoS Forum
Especially My Robjohns and 0VU

here are some that I grouped together.

Mogami question, what to do with the copper

quick xlr ground question

XLR ground, regarding balancing

Nuetrik or Switchcraft XLR panel mounts?

connector suggestions for unbalanced patchbay

anyone ever use these connectors B4

Microphone sockets as used by manufacturer

Studio Cables -

Cable Recommendations?

Where do you guys buy your TT (bantam) patch cables?
http://www.groupdiy.com/index.php?topic=1346&highlight=switchcraft :shock: :shock:
Going back to the original question I think I misread it and have come across exactly the same problem I think you are hinting at and asking for advice

It just so happens - I got two "one day free passes" over the holiday and got to solder for 10 hours each day and have come across the same problem

I wanted to use shielded mic cable to use to connect off board pots to PCBs
Now the cable I was using was Sommer mic cable - tthe problem being the screen
I was using it - as others do - to provide a 3rd cable to the board - but in the end I have to put heat shrink on it - cut half the shield of because it is too thick to go into the hole (eben with expandign the hole - problem with expanding the hole too much is that the solder pads starts to disappear)

So I then started to look at the screw terminals (5.08mm pitch) insteadof soldering to the board
For the others 0.1inch - I use molex connectors

Just out of interest what do others us?
What I could really do with is a flexible screened - proper 3 conductor cable - whose size/AWG fits molex connectors
Any ideas?
You could also do it olde stylee.......

Solder a wire to the base of the shield and pop a sleeve on there.


Just create a thread - call it META (use the naming convention)
stick a load of links in - and keep it updated
simple as that
I'll keep this meta, just give me a bit of time to get my head wrapped around the issue first, at the moment I'm barely qualified to keep information about proper cables.