> Various insulations allow for different ampacities.
True. But this applies when current is SO high that wire is SO expensive that we must minimum-size the copper. Then it gets hot. Copper can handle huge current before melting; the limit is usually the insulation.
My house is wired #2 Aluminum, Thermoplastic insulation, 100 Amps. Actually this wire is usually rated 95A, but here in Maine we never have high heat so the 5% over-rating is not a problem (same cable is used all over the state). If it were rubber, this heat would rot it, would be rated 60A. If it were asbestos or ceramic insulation, it could be rated 200+A.
All this is moot for me. The wire from the street is SO very long that voltage-drop limits me to 60A before the lights get dim. (And 60A covers electric dryer and stove.)
But in electronics we never run wire that hard. And specifically stuff like an LA2a, the wires don't make much internal heat, they get heated by tubes and resistors. So you don't pick insulation by current, you pick it by how close it runs by hot-spots.
If it runs cool enough to touch, "any" modern thermoplastic (not RadioShack hook-up junk) is fine for any voltage you find around tubes. If it runs much hotter (hard-worked 6146 sockets), then at "any" voltage you want a higher-temp insulation.
IMHO, on our benches, insulation temperature is governed more by solderability. The RS hook-up wax/poly blend vaporizes when you solder the wire. Good poly much less, Teflon hardly none.