Wives and Tech

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Well-known member
Nov 8, 2005
Wives and tech were probably never meant to go together, maybe partners and tech is more realistic nowadays?

Anyways, said wife gets a Kindle Voyage and shortly afterwards I hear "I can't get this thing to connect to the internet".

Now for those of you that don't know France, what they are really into is numbers, lots of them and very long strings of them too.  It's the same with every service provider, be it water, electricity or utilities, they have sufficient capacity in the customer accounts digits to accommodate every living being in the universe.  It's the triumph of hope over utility I guess ???

I go to the router and discover the wi-fi key has 26 digits  and some of the O's are easily mistaken for zeros as the font needs a magnifying glass wtf!  After the tedious business of switching between letters and numbers on the Kindle to enter this nonsense I get it to work.  All should be plain sailing from now on, but no,  when we go to a friends house with it we have to go through all this again, end of story no?  We go back home and have to repeat the wifi code again.

Emails and phone calls fly back and forth to Kindle over this until some nerd sends my wife instructions on how to modify the operating system of the thing, ARE THEY MAD?  She flips and demands money back and the junk goes back to Kindle.

I would have thought, with a give away name like VOYAGE, some designer would have thought "People will take this on holiday or to other places, you know like on a voyage like".  So let us look at the routers/liveboxes in the likely places we will sell to and people will go to.  Is this too simple a concept or am I old fashioned?  Evidently France's major Orange system wasn't considered and the Voyage couldn't retain so many numbers so they had to be re- entered every day, hence the nerd giving my wife instructions to re-code the offending article.

If this was the only incidence of clever people being stupid it would not be news, but wife has also returned her IPhone to the suppliers because it wouldn't turn off. battery flat every day etc, etc.  Smart phones are not so smart in reality.  Hint to Smart phone designers, a little button marked on/off would be really useful, really off, not half off, or off on Saturdays or if there is an R in the month, just simply total on or off, it will be a marketing triumph, believe me. :-*

Anyway, I hope this gives  Bluebird  something to look forward to on his/her lunchbreak ;D


Maybe they thought "RMA" was too on the nose and chose "Voyager" instead...
You need kids.

I have relatively low tech smart phone . Don't use it much but not long ago we went to meet a log lost relative and it was needed. For the whole trip I never did work out how to answer a call. It got so bad that one time my brother-in-law shouted 'why don't you answer your bloody phone'.

When we got home I told my daughter. It's easy Dad, she said and proceeded to show me. It was easy but involved weird swiping of the screen across the correct icon in the correct icon. Why can't I just press the button at the bottom to answer the phone I asked her. You can, just change the preferences and a few key taps later it works like a phone should.

So, get yourself some kids - they are much more tech savvy than their parents.



That's good advice, but I took it so long ago that the youngest is now 33 and they are all in the UK and we are in France :'(

DaveP said:

That's good advice, but I took it so long ago that the youngest is now 33 and they are all in the UK and we are in France :'(


Find a 14 yo kid somewhere and it will help, try it to be the son of a known person or it could be a problem.  ???

I still don't have this kind of problems but I'm looking forward to a really working AI to solve all those things in a intelligent way,  an intelligent phone would be much better than a smart one, smart tech is so dumb!!!

DaveP said:

That's good advice, but I took it so long ago that the youngest is now 33 and they are all in the UK and we are in France :'(


The geography is indeed a problem. My daughter is 39 and lives round the corner!!


HA!  Yes eating a boxed salad as we speak. I have a wife and a couple of those pesky children as well.

I like being the distributor of those long codes. Gives me some type of value in the household. The kids know conceptually I pay the bills but they never really see me do it...or don't see me in general as much as they should.

So any type of code or small procedure I have to perform on the computer or the thermostat or the sprinkler system gives me a little bit more Dad status I guess.

My 17 year old told me to just change the wireless code to a simple word everyone can remember... No Way! I said, its way to dangerous!
I am blessed by being married to a fighter pilot tech woman who can unwind a tangled exchange server ssl / autodiscover setup just for instance.

She grew up on the assembly lines at Century Data in So. Cal, knows her components and what cold solder joints are.

While she is not so dorky as to like circuits as I, loves to claim tongue in cheek that any failure is the fault of the rectifier as her woman's intuition was right once before. :)

And....... The is hotter than a two dollar pistol as plays bass too.
Blessed Indeed! ;D

Rather than maintaining servers and Tech, mine just comes in the high maintenance category ::)

That's not so difficult!

I live in France too and  have been facing the same issues.

But the thing to know is that those long passwords are hexadecimal characters only.

So there's no O only 0 (zero).

And that's about everything with computers. They count from 0 to F (15) instead of counting from 0 to9 like the rest of the human kind....


Ps: i don't need kids, i'm only 26 ;-)
> the wi-fi key has 26 digits


Move near me. (Not TOO near...) I don't have ANY pass-code on my wi-fi. Open to The World. Well, the world within 100 feet. I'm 500 feet from the road, 300 feet from my one neighbor (who has his daughter do his wi-fi). Anybody in-range, I already know why they are here. If I don't like why they are here, two dogs and a shotgun trumps any encryption.
Sounds tempting, but what with dogs and shotguns, I'd never get US health Insurance! ;D

Glad to know you are still with us PRR, CJ had us worried.
