WOW, I'm rich!

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Well-known member
Jun 5, 2004
Lassen County CA
I hadn't gotten an email like this for years. It looks like the Nigerian 419 scam has come to China - better late than never I guess.  :D

Dear Friend,

Please read carefully.

I would respectfully request that you keep the contents of this mail
confidential and respect the integrity of the information you come by as
a  result of this mail. I contact you independently and no one is
informed of  this communication. We can work together for our common

I am Samuel Tsien, Non-Executive Director and group Chief Executive
officer at OCBC WING HANG BANK here in Hong Kong.I am getting in touch
with you regarding the estate of a customer and an inve.stment placed
under our banks management over 10 years ago.
In 2006, the subject matter; came to our office to engage in business
discussions with our private banking division. He informed us that he
had a  financial portfolio of $18.75 million United States dollars,
which he wished  to have us invest on his behalf.
However this money has not been claimed. On further enquiries we found
out  that he was involved in an accident in Mainland China , which means
he died  intestate, He has no next of kin.

What I propose is that since I have exclusive access to his file, you
will be made the beneficiary of these funds. My bank will contact you
informing you  that money has been willed to you. On verification, which
will be the details I make available to my bank, my bank will make
payments to you. You do not  have to have known him. I know this might
be a bit  h e a v y  for you but please  trust me on this. For all your
troubles I propose that we split the money in  half.
In the banking circle this happens every time. The other option is that
the  money will revert back to the state. Nobody is getting hurt; this is
a  lifetime opportunity for us. I hold the KEY to these funds, and as a
Chinese  National we see so much cash and funds being re-assigned daily.
I would want  us to keep communication for now strictly by email.

Please, again, note I am a family man; I have a wife and children. I
send you this mail not without a measure of fear as to the consequences,
but I know  within me that nothing ventured is nothing gained and that
success and riches never come easy or on a platter of gold. This is the
one truth I have learned from my private banking clients. Do not betray
my confidence. If we can be of one accord, we should act swiftly on
this. Please pardon my writing mistakes.

Please get back to me immediately with your details as follows so we may
discuss more on this:[email protected]

1. Full Names and address

2. Telephone and fax number

3. Means of identification.

I await your response.


Samuel Tsien

The domain "" already seems deactivated.

That's strange, cause it's been active since 1985, last change in 2017. Unusual for a spammer's feedback mail.
I get these mails every day, also mails like "your Netflix account is being suspended" or "you Paypal account is no longer valid", and stuff like that, many e-mails are obviously Google translated so they don't even make sense at all.
I get some spam, but very little of the scam type. I'm not registered on fartbook/social media sites, nor do I have a giggle or microhard account, so maybe that explains the paucity of this crap I get.

Of course, I must be a very lonely asocial guy.
Here's a good one I just got.

I know this email might come to you as a surprise as we have not met before but I believe God knows why he has directed me to you at this point in time.

I'm Christel Weber, a 24 years old girl from Napoli Italy, studying and doing a part time job. I am the only daughter of my late parents. My beloved mother died of Pancreatic cancer and I lost my Dad 3 months after in an auto crash.

Before the death of my father, he willed to me part of his Real Estate Business, Gas Stations and a total sum of (Ten Million, Seven Hundred Thousand Euros), But things changed after I was betrayed by my ex-boyfriend, things are so rough for me right now with the effect of Covid-19.

The problem right now is that I cannot have access to the fund because of the clause my Dad placed on the fund as explained to me by the bank management The Will states that before I will be given access to the money, I will either have to be 30 years old or if am married before the age of 30 , in which my husband will be eligible to collect the money on my behalf by standing in as my late father’s next of kin to claim the deposited fund.

Today I am only 24. And I have no access to the money till I'm 30 years old So, I'm contacting you to stand as my husband to claim this fund on my behalf and in case if you are married, you can still help me by standing in as my late father's next of kin to the deposited fund. So, please get back to me if you are willing to assist me.

Please remember that I am writing this email to you purely on the ground of trust so we can achieve this deal together.

Thanks and God bless you,
Christel Weber.
I changed my email last year when the main telecoms company in Ireland decided to try and charge 5 euros a month for their rubbish service . Just before the paywall came in my inbox was seeing a huge increase in unsolicited emails then it stopped again . I swapped over to a free Swiss based service in the end , although their lofty claims about encryption and data protection have had some holes poked in them ,its still been very reliable and I've had zero spam or other unwanted emails since changing over . Many sites fish for emails ,some require a valid email address and send a confirmation email to verify , other sites where verification emails arent used I always make up a random email name . Its probably unlikely that a reputable company will intentionally sell their customers emails on , however hackers will keep on hacking , of that we can be certain.

I've refused to supply government departments with either email address or phone numbers for years , if they need to contact me its old fashioned snailmail . When I interact with social welfare services I often get a polite enquirey from the staff member when they pull up my file , 'Oh sir we dont appear to have email or phone contact for you '
my usual reply is ' I refuse to interact with any government departments either by phone or email due to privacy concerns ' , I'll site the recent breach of the Health services database and they shut up pretty quick .

A Danish company conducted a survey a while back , turned out Irish government websites were up there with the worst in Europe in regards to selling on I/P address to third parties , how they have allowed privacy to be undermined by the likes of social media companies speaks volumes about their attitude to data protection .

I guess sometimes data leaks are simply beyond our control , othertimes were duped into voluenteering data when we really should have been more carefull.
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Here's a great one I got today. Who do they think would believe this ****? I guess they must get an occasional hit, or they wouldn't keep doing it. :p

My names is Mr.Christopher Asher wray the FBI DIRECTOR, I am written
to inform you that the

national Assemble under the new regimes of Africa Government has decided to

compensate you as one of scam victims who lost his/her fund in the hands of

AFRICAN internet scam artist, as matter of fact your ATM DEBIT CARD worth
sum of

$30.2 million U.S Dollar has arrived in the united states in the above
address, I

want you to contact Mrs Linda thomas Greenfield the United States
ambassador, Her
Address USA is 768 Forest Ridge Drive

Marietta Georgia 30067 (USA) with his email
address[[email protected]]

Therefore your full details is required for the delivery of your ATM DEBIT CARD

Full Name...........
Home Address........
phone Number........
Copy of Your ID Card....

because the package is already in Georgia (USA).

Your Sincerely
Hon.Mrs Linda thomas Greenfield
Modern webhost mail servers are better at weeding out spam, my mail server has an extra feature supposedly blocking spam that I enabled (why not?). It works well within reason.

I still get some junk mail (lately trying to sell me N95 masks). Most get swept into junk mailboxes for me to delete periodically or not.

I can't imagine how secure (not) free email services are.

caveat emailor.

Mail is inherently insecure.

Your mail server might be secure, but how secure is the one on the other end?