I bought an american console for a very fair price, well, ridiculous price actually, and is among the best sounding consoles I have ever heard, totally crazy. The way things are going, when Im done with that thing, if the day ever comes, thats my 401K right there...
paying TONS of money for those QE 127's in alot of ways is sorta silly, the opamp isnt potted and we have schems and layouts, it isnt very hard at all to build one of those up compared to a 325. A friend built one from scratch and there isnt any voodoo about those opamps on those cards. Its an early jensen transformer on there, so when you buy one thats pretty much what you are paying for, I would love to know he closest current jensen equivalent, I bet its one of the cheaper ones for sure. Thats not a very clean sounding transformer, for a jensen...
Im glad I was able to get some of these at a fair (although not bargain basement) price, they are good utility amplifiers for sure. Easy to build and get right though, paying tons of money for these doesnt make too much sense to me.