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FDS? Fauci derangement syndrome? I hadn't a clue, fortunately, brother fallout was there to demonstrate it :cool:
why does everything turn into personal digs... be nicer. It appears that Senator Rand Paul also has a case of FDS. 🤔
I don't think Fauci is important. It's much more interesting to see who is the source of the demand is. Fauci is just a civil servant, trying to meander through the maze of power.
Umm opinions vary. IIRC Dr Fauci is scheduled to appear for a public hearing in June. I am not optimistic about him revealing any new information
For instance, the 5 million $ the University of Texas paid to Wuhan has never been justified or even mentioned. If it wasn't for shoddy bookkeeping in Wuhan, we probably wouldn't know about it. And from the little we know about it, it seems mainly research that is illegal in the USA has been asked from Wuhan. It seems US universities are not really law-abiding citizens...
There is a web of funding relations reaching back to high federal government offices. Efforts were made to insulate Dr Fauci from direct responsibility.
It also seems Wuhan had only US customers. The same goes for the labs in Ukraine. Apparently, Israel wouldn't risk it.
That doesn't pass the smell test. Are you saying that a biolab weaponizing viri for GOF, in Wuhan China was "only" working for US customers?


I don't know if 'important' is the right word. A civil servant who was given enough power to enforce government lockdowns destroying small businesses and forcing vaccinations on millions? FDS? Call it whatever you like.

Someone needed to take decisions. We were relatively fortunate that for once, politicians relied on scientists. From what I could observe locally, most fraudsters were caught pretty fast. And afaict, it's only Pfizer that has been in the crosshair. Scientists are usually easy to corrupt as they depend on a lot of goodwill to finance their projects. And most of them aren't used to keep their eyes open for scams and blackmail opportunities.

No argument here. I'd certainly like an explanation.

I've been looking for other customers of the Wuhan lab. There aren't any, besides China and the USA. And the Chinese ones complain about having to wait. Mainly the biologist who first introduced samples from bats. And she had so many samples, she wasn't even hoping to have all of them studied. She also needed to stay quiet, after a few remarks about the dangers of GOF research and the minute progress of science it delivered.

I don't know what the two labs in Ukraine were researching exactly, but it struck me that they weren't allowed to report to anyone but their US clients. That's not legal in Europe, but, hey, the Ukraine isn't an EU member yet. That US client was military or some security agency. A lot of new administration was formed in the US to hide stuff.

I do know from older publications both labs specialised in viral research and had been dabbling in GOF research before.

Then there was that report from India, suggesting COVID 19 showed signs of GOF research. That report quickly vanished from the net. Without any comments from peers. It is a "no go" zone for most researchers these days, as it isn't beneficial to their careers. Just some older, retired virologists dare to comment on it, but they are getting ignored.

China seems like an unusual choice, taking the negative propaganda into account. I suspect Israel declined any part of this research. Anything in the EU was legally impossible. That leaves Japan as a possibility. But I'm pretty certain Japanese labs wouldn't touch GOF research with a ten foot pole.
why does everything turn into personal digs... be nicer.

Relax, John. It's a joke. Hence the 'brother'.

That doesn't pass the smell test. Are you saying that a biolab weaponizing viri for GOF, in Wuhan China was "only" working for US customers?


Seriously. Minus the "weaponising". See if you can find any other customer.

Don't forget, before the US became a customer, they were a very small operation. Almost primitive, compared to others. That was part of the risk. Remember one of the janitors got jailed for selling test animals in Wuhan's wet market? Anyone in a serious lab wouldn't even think about such a thing.
A civil servant who was given enough power to enforce government lockdowns destroying small businesses and forcing vaccinations on millions?
TIL the director of the NIAID has the power to force each state to enact a separate and unique lockdown, and an army of soldiers to hold down unwilling citizens as they get jabbed.
TIL the director of the NIAID has the power to force each state to enact a separate and unique lockdown, and an army of soldiers to hold down unwilling citizens as they get jabbed.
I'm not sure I understand your point. Is this something you're ok with?
Relax, John. It's a joke. Hence the 'brother'.
so that is supposed to make it ok...
Seriously. Minus the "weaponising". See if you can find any other customer.
China has not exactly been open to helping international groups research the origins of COVID. I know that i (we) don't know all the answers.
Don't forget, before the US became a customer, they were a very small operation. Almost primitive, compared to others. That was part of the risk. Remember one of the janitors got jailed for selling test animals in Wuhan's wet market? Anyone in a serious lab wouldn't even think about such a thing.
That's a story I don't recall hearing before.
So you think scientists are corruptible but politicians and government officials are not ?

Another thing. When the funding of the Wuhan lab was revoked in 2020, the US entity that transferred the money (EcoHealth), had a problem. So their funding was reinstated in 2023, but they couldn't fund any research in China. Logical, no? Well, they could also not fund any research with animals, according to the WaPo.

NIH resumed funding for EcoHealth in May 2023, but the grant now stipulates that the organization may not conduct research in China or with animals.

I find that quite hilarious...

It also shows EcoHealth is just an empty shell, used to isolate some from their responsibility. Or do you think they exclusively finance plant virus research?
Another thing. When the funding of the Wuhan lab was revoked in 2020, the US entity that transferred the money (EcoHealth), had a problem. So their funding was reinstated in 2023, but they couldn't fund any research in China. Logical, no? Well, they could also not fund any research with animals, according to the WaPo.
this is a pretty old topic well discussed here. I think it was during the Obama administration when supporting GOF research was originally prohibited by US government.

I find that quite hilarious...

It also shows EcoHealth is just an empty shell, used to isolate some from their responsibility. Or do you think they exclusively finance plant virus research?
I didn't click but have been following this circular mess for years. It is not funny.

Sen Rand Paul has been pursuing Dr Fauci to get straight answers for years. I don't feel lucky (about this particular pursuit).

I think they are finally admitting to naughty-naughty in Wuhan to obfuscate what is going on in labs in The Ukraine.
FDS? I think that the "Top Doc", who lied about government research, funneled grey $$ towards it, kinda made-up a bunch of crap like social distances, vax safety, etc. needs to be held accountable for perjury and the deliberate infraction of International Treaties. Gubment employees are just as big eff-ups as people in the private sector, but seem to be above the laws that are clamped on the plebians. This is not a government of the people but one against the people.

so that is supposed to make it ok...

So it's only OK if others do it? I'm not allowed to joke?

China has not exactly been open to helping international groups research the origins of COVID. I know that i (we) don't know all the answers.

The Wuhan lab in China was very open about their research before they got US funds. I suppose that, just like the labs in Ukraine, they weren't allowed by their financial masters to report about it...

You might have the idea that the CCP controls everything at all times in China. That's false. That's why corruption is so wide spread and succeeds to keep on going for a long time in China. The CCP surely knew about the US funding. But that's about it. The CCP doesn't mess with science. Remember that Chinese geneticist who produced custom twin babies? It wasn't until the (western) press reported about it that the CCP became aware.

I think the CCP is afraid of science. They surely don't understand it and they fear they might kill the next greatest invention ever if they interfere.

So you think scientists are corruptible but politicians and government officials are not ?

Whatever gave you that idea?

I just think most scientists are way easier to corrupt than politicians. It's not their thing to suspect someone trying to corrupt them, while politicians should always be on the lookout for it.
I think they are finally admitting to naughty-naughty in Wuhan to obfuscate what is going on in labs in The Ukraine.
FDS? I think that the "Top Doc", who lied about government research, funneled grey $$ towards it, kinda made-up a bunch of crap like social distances, vax safety, etc. needs to be held accountable for perjury and the deliberate infraction of International Treaties. Gubment employees are just as big eff-ups as people in the private sector, but seem to be above the laws that are clamped on the plebians. This is not a government of the people but one against the people.


In Italy, a geologist who predicted an earth quake, got sued for causing disruption. So he shut up. A few years later, he was sued again, for not speaking out...

When COVID started, we didn't know what would work and what not. So, some measures were wrong. Would you like to pick what to do next time?

And, sure, some have made a boatload of money. Isn't that what capitalists are supposed to do? It's funny, but Russia had no problems with COVID. Is that because most of Russia has a colder climate? Or do you think the Russians just have a better immune system?
Someone needed to take decisions. We were relatively fortunate that for once, politicians relied on scientists.
These decisions were made by career bureaucrats and political appointees, not scientists. Many of the scientists were silenced early on if you recall.

From what I could observe locally, most fraudsters were caught pretty fast. And afaict, it's only Pfizer that has been in the crosshair. Scientists are usually easy to corrupt as they depend on a lot of goodwill to finance their projects. And most of them aren't used to keep their eyes open for scams and blackmail opportunities.
Please. The corruption of big science has been ongoing for decades. And regulatory capture is real.

I've been looking for other customers of the Wuhan lab. There aren't any, besides China and the USA. And the Chinese ones complain about having to wait. Mainly the biologist who first introduced samples from bats. And she had so many samples, she wasn't even hoping to have all of them studied. She also needed to stay quiet, after a few remarks about the dangers of GOF research and the minute progress of science it delivered.
Not sure what point you're trying to make. The research happened, illegal or not.

Then there was that report from India, suggesting COVID 19 showed signs of GOF research. That report quickly vanished from the net. Without any comments from peers.
And yet you think scientists are making the decisions...

It is a "no go" zone for most researchers these days, as it isn't beneficial to their careers. Just some older, retired virologists dare to comment on it, but they are getting ignored.
Huh. I wonder who's making sure these voices are ignored.

China seems like an unusual choice,
They had bat coronavirus researchers and plenty of new bat viruses to study from other provinces. Not hard to understand.
TIL the director of the NIAID has the power to force each state to enact a separate and unique lockdown, and an army of soldiers to hold down unwilling citizens as they get jabbed.
I'm not sure I understand your point. Is this something you're ok with?
Not sure I understand your point. In the US each state enacted their own lockdown, not the federal government let alone the NIAID. But you called Fauci
A civil servant who was given enough power to enforce government lockdowns
You also claimed he personally was
forcing vaccinations on millions
And now you're asking me if I'm ok with things that didn't happen.
Not sure I understand your point. In the US each state enacted their own lockdown, not the federal government let alone the NIAID. But you called Fauci
Fauci was the point person on all things Covid in the US.
You also claimed he personally was
He was personally responsible for recommending lockdowns. Funny enough he did try to wipe his hands of it but it was his recommendation.

“I gave a public-health recommendation that echoed the CDC’s recommendation, and people made a decision based on that. But I never criticized the people who had to make the decisions one way or the other.” :rolleyes:
And now you're asking me if I'm ok with things that didn't happen.
Yes. Unless you were living under a rock, millions were forced to get vaccinated if they wanted to keep there jobs due to his 'recommendations'.
Fauci was the point person on all things Covid in the US.

He was personally responsible for recommending lockdowns. Funny enough he did try to wipe his hands of it but it was his recommendation.

“I gave a public-health recommendation that echoed the CDC’s recommendation, and people made a decision based on that. But I never criticized the people who had to make the decisions one way or the other.” :rolleyes:

Yes. Unless you were living under a rock, millions were forced to get vaccinated if they wanted to keep there jobs due to his 'recommendations'.
Pepperidge Farms remembers and so do I. The authoritarian jakelegs were everywhere with their carping "follow The Science" and Fauci claiming the mantle of The Science for himself. Vaccine passports, lock downs, extended lock downs, mandatory testing, quarantines when traveling (even within the US, e.g. Hawaii), mask mandates, school closures, and family members languishing alone in nursing homes and hospitals. How many died with no family members to comfort them in their final days, hours, moments? You're damn skippy I remember. ALL of it.
He was personally responsible for recommending lockdowns.
So... recommending, not forcing.

millions were forced to get vaccinated if they wanted to keep there jobs
So... their employers forced them.

But somehow lockdowns and vaccinations happened all over the entire world because of the recommendations of one man. :unsure:

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