Crazy temperature swings!

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Brian Roth

Well-known member
Aug 20, 2005
Salina Kansas
I'm certain folks in SoCal or Florida will laugh at me, BUT....

Here in Salina KS in August 2023 we hit 113F for a high one day (with "slightly cooler" days bracketing that).

It's currently -1F here, with a forecast low of -15F Sat night/Sun morning. The abacus in my addled brain says that is a 128F swing within 5 months.

I need to double check, but I believe both temp extremes were/will be record numbers.

Fortunately, my "elderly" gas central furnace seems up to the task after doing well during the crazy arctic blast that ran for many days during winter 2021 (?), the cold blast that seemed to crash the Texas electric grid.

Last summer, my "elderly" outdoor condensor/compressor system fought it's best, but it couldn't keep the indoor temp much below 80F on those extreme days. Easy enough....I wore as little clothing as I could and not be arrested for indecent exposure....LOL!! Ceiling fan on high, etc.

Now....sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt and socks....for a guy who usually is barefoot, wears shorts and a t-shirt otherwise while sitting indoors....or on the front porch spring and fall.


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Here in my part of Connecticut it has been milder than in the past, with a whole lot of rain/flooding as opposed to the snow we normally would have gotten. We do have snow in the forecast this coming Tuesday, so we'll see. It ain't over yet.
That's why it's called "weather" and averaged over 30 years for climate metrics.

When I lived in Southern CT I noticed that weather was moderated by the thermal mass of the ocean/sound nearby. Later living mid state (above Hartford) there were less moderating influences and we could get serious snow, etc.

-10 this morning in Elizabeth CO.
I feel your pain Brian. Had an MRI this morning in Denver. I25 was 6 full lanes of cars coming back home. Nobody got the memo to stay home. It’s stock show week in town. Even when I was a kid it would be minus something during stock show. 40 by Wednesday so 3 days to go. 🥶
I'm not a sports nut, but kinda follow the Kansas City Chiefs.....considered the "local team" even though they are based in KC, MO. I just checked on the score (KC currently ahead at 8:30 PM). Accuweather reports the current air temp in KC is -3F with windchill 0f -22F

I CANNOT imagine sitting in the stands (or the sidelines) with those numbers!
