History..... rhymes?

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Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t trying to be humorous.
WWW said:
facetious /fə-sē′shəs/


  1. Playfully jocular; humorous.
    "facetious remarks."
  2. Given to wit and good humor; merry; sportive; jocular.
    "a facetious companion"
    Similar: merrysportivejocular
  3. Characterized by wit and pleasantry; exciting laughter.
    "a facetious story or reply"

My understanding of facetious involve "good humor"......

Lets be nicer. 🤔
I hoped that this thread would stimulate some thoughtful discussion about historical precedents. Since it has turned into a blog about the current news cycle heres a recent observation:

Dr. Fauci is under intense questioning about funding GOF research. Apparently the defense strategy is right out of George Orwell's 1984 using "Newspeak" to redefine what GOF is. :rolleyes:

This stuff is happening in plain sight. "Don't believe your lyin eyes."

Ilan Pappé, a 70 year old Jewish historian was detained and questioned at Detroit airport. The FBI wanted to know if he considered the massacre in Gaza to be a genocide and if he supported Hamas.

Of course they also wanted to know who his friends were and all data on his phone was copied.

Knowing Pappe i'm fairly certain these agents were ashamed afterwards.

Apparently, freedom of speech doesn't apply to those who dare to question Israel. We should've known that since laws against racism aren't enough and the law about anti-semitism is vague enough and carries more severe punishment...
AIPAC is incredibly strong in the US, what is best for the US takes a backseat. How ridiculous is that? Any actual patriot would not support this.
I wasn't aware they were also present in the UK. It explains the downfall of Labour (and the democracy).
If the Jews are so powerful, pulling all the strings behind the scenes and capable of bending the strongest nations to their will, they sure are are doing a shit job of it.
My understanding is that they've had some malfunctions in their space lasers. Once they have those fixed, watch out!
If the Jews are so powerful, pulling all the strings behind the scenes and capable of bending the strongest nations to their will, they sure are are doing a shit job of it.

You should watch the vid I posted in the thread about democracy. It's about the UK, but still. And you can easily verify, cause the guy is still doing the same, only he's no longer with the embassy. He went commercial. Google him. Call him if you want.

Also, years ago I read a book about the Mossad, written by an ex-Mossad agent. In that period, the Mossad only had 34 real agents. That's very few, compared to the big boys. The book explains how that could work. It's fairly simple: there are hundreds, if not thousands of unpaid willing helpers worldwide. Helpers who are discrete and loyal.

I doubt very much if that is still the situation today, but it showed me how they operate. Way smarter than any other intelligence outfit. Well, maybe the Chinese. I know next to nothing about Chinese intelligence. I don't think they would tolerate a book about them either.

But still, it's human to err. And intelligence can fail. Or get ignored. And that's what happened with the oct. 7 attack. Israeli intelligence knew about it, but was ignored. If that was out of sheer stupidity, or willingly to create a reason to invade Gaza, I don't know. Maybe it just was cause they wouldn't ruin a holiday?
Take a look at this Mike ,

So yes Mike , we had open pits in the ground , where bodies were brought by horse and cart and dumped down into a hole , sure the famine was before my time , but Carrs hill cemetery now bears impressions and dimples in the soil , not dating back to the 1840's , but modern times , where babies born to single mothers , who where the subject of illegal vaccine testing are buried . Neither the state ,the church nor the pharmaceutical companies involved have been held to account yet.

The Nazi death camps were more than just a place people were brought to die , many many medical experiments were conducted and after the war America made sure it inherited its share of the tech that emerged , Id personally say Fauci's gain of function experiments are simply a continuation of research started by the third Reich , then carried on by the the CIA , now of course such testing is prohibited on US soil , so its contracted out , to China in the case of Covid .
Kind of ironic when covid emerged many Americans were willing to point the finger at China without question .
Im sure it would be a lot more convienient for the US if Fauci simply vanished at this point and let the crooked politicians and pharmaceuticals off the hook . Public awareness of whats been done is a bit like the old genie in a bottle , once its out , you cant get it back in its box .
Now you're talking about pits in ire? Oh, because there are NONE in Gaza. No medical experiment labs either. All this would make a whole lot more sense if you had originally tried to equivalize the 19th century british kings treating the irish like livestock to eeevil Israelis instead of schicklgruber. But you did not.
You threw the h-word and
I think you realized that, then started in with all the great famine stuff. All clear now! When people emotionally throw "Hitler" around, they really mean something else but cannot express it in the moment.
Hasnt Nettayahu and a couple of his leutenants just been indicted on wars crimes charges ,
backed by a growing coalition of countries

So what your trying to say is that people dying in a gas chamber and being burried in a mass grave is genocide while getting pulverised to dust when an ordinance strikes your appartment block isnt ?

Looks like they have Joes nuts in the meat grinder ,


  • grinder.jpg
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YOU dropped the h-bomb, and then ran away from it. This is the emotional hyperbole I mentioned earlier, and very few solutions will result.
The icc? That is the same as cy's "world leaders". Oh NO the icc! Luckily for Bibi, Captain Jack Smith™ is huntin' him some Trump these days. All they can do is prevent "the accused" from travel to the countries that recognize that kangaroo court. J'accuse!!! "en marche arriѐre" in a strange way. . .
Another resolution by "world leaders" against Israel in the un? YAWN! What else is new? How many of those every year, when the neighbors of the "palestinians" keep refugee camps for DECADES. They all want the issue, not the people.

I'm out of words for hajis living in the third millenium while they ignore the hypocrisy of their chosen "leaders" living lavishly in the fifth. Israel is a police state because of the hajis and their cheap shots. Yes, their choice is to be blown apart or choke to death on cement dust in Gaza. They made it, they eat it. The hypocrisy of all the "world leaders" will continue.

“If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence. If the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel.” Golda Meir.

This truth cannot be denied.
Now you're talking about pits in ire? Oh, because there are NONE in Gaza.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaza_...024, mass graves,Israeli Defense Forces (IDF).

Even Wikipedia has a page about it. How far can you run from reality?

There are no US style torture centers in Gaza, afaik. Not yet, anyway. These torture centers are on the Westbank:


Of course, if you don't consider water boarding a 10 year old to death torture, these are just detention centers. The only difference with Guantanamo Bay, is that Israel can and will torture anyone, including kids, not just potential terrorists. And that's where terrorism is made. Treat enough people bad enough and they won't mind dying...

History does repeat itself.
This is pure alinsky! Read the book, it’s free.
Mass graves of palestinians outside of hospitals cum palestinian materiel dumps/ battle centres? They initiated the massive hunt for themselves to be eliminated- you gotta bury your dead or all die of disease.
Guantanamo? Really?
Y’all’s math is as weak as your rhyming.
If a wiki page is your burden of proof, go look at the mess that is the Julius/Ethel Rosenberg page. Maybe now that media matters for america reduced their staff, the page will no longer deify them.
Face it folks, there is no equivalence with the acts of the national socialist german workers party except for those emotionally signaling fake wokeness. Completely empty.

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