Soliloqueen's k87(k67) and k47 capsules

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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2017
A while back @soliloqueen asked me if i was willing to measure a prototype of k47 she makes. I shared some measurements of this capsule before. And now two k87 (k67 with isolated backplates) arrived for testing.

Disclaimer: I'm not making money by building/repairing/measuring mics. Occasionally i sell some I don't need, and that's it. I have a job not related to mics. I'm passionate about debunking misconceptions surrounding gear, I'm all about things that really matter, saving time, money, and energy of DIYers who want to get results quickly and not get ripped off by snake oil pushers.

That being said, i don't know who Soliloqueen is, besides her real name (which I will not share in PM). I do not know the specifics of the manufacturing process, or if the pre-production capsules I tested will be the same as the production models. No idea what the resale price will be. Even though she never asked for it, I paid for the k47 she sent me, and will pay for the k87 as soon as I find use for them. I just have way too many capsules of this type right now, and I'm personally not crazy about u87/u67 mics.

Sorry for the long intro.

K67 TLDR version of the "review" is that the capsule matches the performance of the original Neumann capsule I compared it to in every aspect. So yes, I absolutely recommend them. The measurement of one of the capsules front vs back.

Front to back 2.jpg

This is the second one, slightly larger difference, in my book irrelevant and inaudible. as long as the shape is the same.
Front To Back.jpg

As I am empirically driven person I share the testing results, so you can decide for yourself. The two capsules I received are very close in performance (1db peak to peak difference here and there), and can be used as matched pair even though they hadn't been previously matched. So the manufacturing tolerances are really tight. Front to back the responses are basically identical on both of them. No crazy dips, peaks anywhere. The shape and amplitude of HF response is spot on.

Keep in mind Neumann has higher tolerances than this, which can be seen in their u87 manufacturing video. Capsules also age, so if you make a clone using this capsule and shoot it out against some random Neumann k67 based mic and don't get 100% identical results don't blame it on this capsule.

Obviously to nail the u87/u67 sound you also need precisely tuned deemphasis network, bias, mechanics and pattern polarization solution that will retain the perfect front to back balance of the capsule.

Here is this capsule against one of my k67 favorites from 797 audio which also nails the shape but is too bright, and doesn't have isolated backplates.

797 vs solilo.jpg

And this is the capsule in circuit which is tuned to perform in every aspect as the original u87. Disregard the 150hz peak, it's a measurement artefact, and also serves as a reminder the graphs I publish are NOT SMOOTHED!

in circuit.jpg
As for the k47 the situation is slightly different simply because there is no one right response of the k47. They vary a lot, even Neumann ones. Soliloqueen's is different than any other k47 replica i tested because it is smoothest, and closest to M7 response. Every k47 i tested until now has a bump in 5K range which i don't like. Some of the Neumann's have this as well but not all of them.

As the goal of George Neumann, according to the patents, manufacturing documents, and Sigmund Thiersch, was to make M7/k47 as flat as possible, I like them exactly this way. Soliloqueen's k47 nails it. Of course you will get some wiggling in the response once you put the capsule in a body.

Once again the response front to back is 100% matched. This capsule ended up in my favorite k47 based mic. I have one more that uses Dale's M7 which is another story. Disregard the 50hz difference, again measurement artefact simply because the capsules are not shielded - no grille. Both sides are flat down to 50hz and below.

Here's how the k87 looks.20221022_164445.jpg

Update August 2023:
Soliloqueen sent me 2 original Neumann capsules and two of her k87. All four capsules and all their sides measure exactly the same. Here's her k87 vs Neumann k87.
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A while back @soliloqueen asked me if i was willing to measure a prototype of k47 she makes. I shared some measurements of this capsule before. And now two k87 (k67 with isolated backplates) arrived for testing.

Disclaimer: I'm not making money by building/repairing/measuring mics. Occasionally i sell some I don't need, and that's it. I have a job not related to mics. I'm passionate about debunking misconceptions surrounding gear, I'm all about things that really matter, saving time, money, and energy of DIYers who want to get results quickly and not get ripped off by snake oil pushers.

That being said, i don't know who Soliloqueen is, besides her real name (which I will not share in PM). I do not know the specifics of the manufacturing process, or if the pre-production capsules I tested will be the same as the production models. No idea what the resale price will be. Even though she never asked for it, I paid for the k47 she sent me, and will pay for the k87 as soon as I find use for them. I just have way too many capsules of this type right now, and I'm personally not crazy about u87/u67 mics.

Sorry for the long intro.

K67 TLDR version of the "review" is that the capsule matches the performance of the original Neumann capsule I compared it to in every aspect. So yes, I absolutely recommend them. The measurement of one of the capsules front and back.

View attachment 99815

This is the second one, slightly larger difference, in my book irrelevant and inaudible. as long as the shape is the same.
View attachment 99816

As I am empirically driven person I share the testing results, so you can decide for yourself. The two capsules I received are very close in performance (1db peak to peak difference here and there), and can be used as matched pair even though they hadn't been previously matched. So the manufacturing tolerances are really tight. Front to back the responses are basically identical on both of them. No crazy dips, peaks anywhere. The shape and amplitude of HF response is spot on.

Keep in mind Neumann has higher tolerances than this, which can be seen in their u87 manufacturing video. Capsules also age, so if you make a clone using this capsule and shoot it out against some random Neumann k67 based mic and don't get 100% identical results don't blame it on this capsule.

Obviously to nail the u87/u67 sound you also need precisely tuned deemphasis network, bias, mechanics and pattern polarization solution that will retain the perfect front to back balance of the capsule.

Here is this capsule against one of my k67 favorites from 797 audio which also nails the shape but is too bright, and doesn't have isolated backplates.

View attachment 99817

And this is the capsule in circuit which is tuned to perform in every aspect as the original u87. Disregard the 150hz peak, it's a measurement artefact, and also a reminder the graphs I publish are NOT SMOOTHED!

View attachment 99818
As for the k47 the situation is slightly different simply because there is no one right response of the k47. They vary a lot, even Neumann ones. Soliloqueen's is different than any other k47 replica i tested because it is smoothest, and closest to M7 response. Every k47 i tested until now has a bump in 5K range which i don't like. Some of the Neumann's have this as well but not all of them.

As the goal of George Neumann, according to the patents, manufacturing documents, and Sigmund Thiersch, was to make M7/k47 as flat as possible, I like them exactly this way. Soliloqueen's k47 nails it. Of course you will get some wiggling in the response once you put the capsule in a body.

Once again the response front to back is 100% matched. This capsule ended up in my favorite k47 based mic. I have one more that uses Dale's M7 which is another story. Disregard the 50hz difference, again measurement artefact simply because the capsules are not shielded - no grille. Both sides are flat down to 50hz and below.
View attachment 99820

Here's how the k87 looks.View attachment 99822
Very interesting, thanks for sharing. How does the k47 compare to maiku? Which is also “flat-ish”
I'm out sick and I haven't been able to sleep, so I might as well bounce out or reply to this. This post does not going to be very elegant marketing, that will come when we actually launch. A couple years ago I got interested in capsule design and manufacturing. I bought a micrometer and some pin gauges and digitized about a dozen capsules about as precisely as I could (The k87 alone has almost a thousand revisions in fusion 360 from measuring and re-measuring different samples). I started hunting down manufacturing partners. First locally in Southwest Michigan, then globally. I think I got quotes from over 250 machine shops over the course of the last year alone. At first, I was going to skin them all myself, but my disability made that frustrating and not very feasible, so I started looking for someone to do that too. Basically no existing capsule company was willing to be a contract skinner, except this almost brand new company of ex employees from a larger capsule company. While I was sourcing quotes for the backplates, I had them throw together a manufacturing sample to extremely tight specifications to check their skinning consistency. This was my initial run of k47 capsules. Unlike my launch product, the k87, which is built from scratch, the k47 was not (what I would consider to be) a "real product" and used an existing backplate, though still unique, because it had not insignificant differences in the manufacturing and skinning and a lot of really precise changes because I wanted to see how they could handle that sort of thing. They nailed it, and the result of them tolerating my hyperpedantic whining was unexpectedly probably the best k47 I've ever heard. I really wanted feedback on how the manufacturing quality was overall, so I did something potentially very stupid: I packed them up and mailed them directly to the meanest person I could find, knowing full well that if they sucked or were a scam in any way, he would follow me to the ends of the Earth and never let me sell a single capsule for the rest of my life. Somehow, he actually thought they were amazing, and so the business was feasible! I sent a ton of them out for free where I could afford it, and charged more or less at cost for the rest. I got a lot of really great feedback from a lot of users here.

It was never my intention to use pre-existing backplates for a capsule product, but at this point I ran out of money (Probably should have sold the test capsules for more than cost, but I didn't feel like I could get them out to a diverse enough group to get good opinions doing that) Unexpectedly, my friend Josh from Dachman Audio was like "so you have everything mostly worked out and you just need money? No problem. I've been looking for a new OEM anyway." and he funded the whole thing! Which is unbelievable, this project would not have gotten this far without his help. Long story short, I'm now about to launch a k87 to retail and OEM customers which is manufactured from scratch. Not a rebranded cheap catalog capsule. Completely from scratch! Pricing will be somewhere between 3u and boutiques.

The capsule itself is based on one of the old old k67s with the brass rings and the side groove that someone was kind enough to lend me. List of changes from the vintage capsule I used as a reference in the current sample:
Center termination acrylic goes all the way through instead of halfway
M1.4 screws
I moved the ring of screw holes outwards so that I could buy existing plastic rings in bulk to avoid having to pay for a mold.

That's it! everything else is more or less the same! I verified a lot of times with my micrometer, depth micrometer and pin gauges. At first I thought the holes were too small and the trench around the holes was too narrow, but it turns out that's actually an optical illusion from interreflection from the polished finish on the insides of the holes and trench where the original capsules were variably more satin/matte, either from age or manufacturing process differences. The dimensions are definitely accurate. The side groove for the old mounting style was kind of difficult to work with, so copied the chamfers of a later k87 just for fun. Maybe if I make a k67 it will return. In future batches once we get things rolling, I might reverse these changes to make them aesthetically identical to the original capsule too, but that's a secondary goal. The pictures here are of a sample that is slightly outdated compared to the one I sent to kingkorg. The machine shop got the hole depth slightly wrong, but it still makes for pretty photos!


I'm going to try to sleep again now, thanks for the interest guys. Post formatting on mobile is a nightmare...
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I packed them up and mailed them directly to the meanest person I could find, knowing full well that if they sucked or were a scam in any way, he would follow me to the ends of the Earth and never let me sell a single capsule for the rest of my life.
LOL! 🤣🤣🤣
Get well soon!
Also nice to hear the whole story, I actually had no idea how all this went. More or less Soliloqueen just said she had some custom capsules and asked if i would test them, that's all.

Very interesting, thanks for sharing. How does the k47 compare to maiku? Which is also “flat-ish”

I don't want to post any measurements Maiku related, as their approach to marketing is diametrically different from what I consider fair. Heavily based on narative, and no transparency/empiricals to speak of. As far as i'm concerned those are 3U audio rebranded capsules, and nothing beyond that.
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LOL! 🤣🤣🤣
Get well soon!
Also nice to hear the whole story, I actually had no idea how all this went. More or less Soliloqueen just said she had some custom capsules and asked if i would test them, that's all.

I don't want to post any measurements Maiku related, as their approach to marketing is diametrically different from what I consider fair. Heavily based on narative, and no transparency/empiricals to speak of. As far as i'm concerned those are 3U audio rebranded capsules, and nothing beyond that.
Fair, thank you. After reading the response by the designer I am very interested…seems honest and passionate about this product. I’d definitely support the effort.
Wow. People I sent the k47 to and people coming from this post are really demanding I have more of those made as an alternate product. There will be a one-to-one clone of the original k47 later, like this k87, but people seem unexpectedly interested in the test one because the response is so flat. It uses the same backplate as the Dachman series 2 k47, but the construction, tension and capacitance are different and the tolerances are tighter. If people are that interested in it I could bring it back as an alternate product. It would be cheaper than the one-to-one clones too... I just want to avoid confusion with the accurate k47 that will be coming later. Thoughts? Should I offer both and make them look different? They do sound very different. The upcoming clone is an exact clone, the test shrinks the hump in the low treble.
It's exciting for me too! I can't remember the last time someone from this community brought a completely from scratch capsule to mass production on this level. Maybe when AA mailed a k47 to shuayin and they created the first mass market Chinese k47 clone more than a decade ago? This is indeed not something that happens often in general.

What I'm really happy with is how nuts the machine shop went. I don't think I've ever seen a third party capsule backplate with tolerances this tight. It's like CGI! The two capsules I sent kingkorg were indeed not a matched pair, and they are +-1dB. That's a wild thing to accomplish in volume and they deserve commendation for meeting my ridiculous tolerances.
It's exciting for me too! I can't remember the last time someone from this community brought a completely from scratch capsule to mass production on this level. Maybe when AA mailed a k47 to shuayin and they created the first mass market Chinese k47 clone more than a decade ago? This is indeed not something that happens often in general.

What I'm really happy with is how nuts the machine shop went. I don't think I've ever seen a third party capsule backplate with tolerances this tight. It's like CGI! The two capsules I sent kingkorg were indeed not a matched pair, and they are +-1dB. That's a wild thing to accomplish in volume and they deserve commendation for meeting my ridiculous tolerances.
Nope, 1db peak to peak, +-0.5db.
I'm out sick and I haven't been able to sleep, so I might as well bounce out or reply to this. This post does not going to be very elegant marketing, that will come when we actually launch. A couple years ago I got interested in capsule design and manufacturing. I bought a micrometer and some pin gauges and digitized about a dozen capsules about as precisely as I could (The k87 alone has almost a thousand revisions in fusion 360 from measuring and re-measuring different samples). I started hunting down manufacturing partners. First locally in Southwest Michigan, then globally. I think I got quotes from over 250 machine shops over the course of the last year alone. At first, I was going to skin them all myself, but my disability made that frustrating and not very feasible, so I started looking for someone to do that too. Basically no existing capsule company was willing to be a contract skinner, except this almost brand new company of ex employees from a larger capsule company. While I was sourcing quotes for the backplates, I had them throw together a manufacturing sample to extremely tight specifications to check their skinning consistency. This was my initial run of k47 capsules. Unlike my launch product, the k87, which is built from scratch, the k47 was not (what I would consider to be) a "real product" and used an existing backplate, though still unique, because it had not insignificant differences in the manufacturing and skinning and a lot of really precise changes because I wanted to see how they could handle that sort of thing. They nailed it, and the result of them tolerating my hyperpedantic whining was unexpectedly probably the best k47 I've ever heard. I really wanted feedback on how the manufacturing quality was overall, so I did something potentially very stupid: I packed them up and mailed them directly to the meanest person I could find, knowing full well that if they sucked or were a scam in any way, he would follow me to the ends of the Earth and never let me sell a single capsule for the rest of my life. Somehow, he actually thought they were amazing, and so the business was feasible! I sent a ton of them out for free where I could afford it, and charged more or less at cost for the rest. I got a lot of really great feedback from a lot of users here.

It was never my intention to use pre-existing backplates for a capsule product, but at this point I ran out of money (Probably should have sold the test capsules for more than cost, but I didn't feel like I could get them out to a diverse enough group to get good opinions doing that) Unexpectedly, my friend Josh from Dachman Audio was like "so you have everything mostly worked out and you just need money? No problem. I've been looking for a new OEM anyway." and he funded the whole thing! Which is unbelievable, this project would not have gotten this far without his help. Long story short, I'm now about to launch a k87 to retail and OEM customers which is manufactured from scratch. Not a rebranded cheap catalog capsule. Completely from scratch! Pricing will be somewhere between 3u and boutiques.

The capsule itself is based on one of the old old k67s with the brass rings and the side groove that someone was kind enough to lend me. List of changes from the vintage capsule I used as a reference in the current sample:
Center termination acrylic goes all the way through instead of halfway
M1.4 screws
I moved the ring of screw holes outwards so that I could buy existing plastic rings in bulk to avoid having to pay for a mold.

That's it! everything else is more or less the same! I verified a lot of times with my micrometer, depth micrometer and pin gauges. At first I thought the holes were too small and the trench around the holes was too narrow, but it turns out that's actually an optical illusion from interreflection from the polished finish on the insides of the holes and trench where the original capsules were variably more satin/matte, either from age or manufacturing process differences. The dimensions are definitely accurate. The side groove for the old mounting style was kind of difficult to work with, so copied the chamfers of a later k87 just for fun. Maybe if I make a k67 it will return. In future batches once we get things rolling, I might reverse these changes to make them aesthetically identical to the original capsule too, but that's a secondary goal. The pictures here are of a sample that is slightly outdated compared to the one I sent to kingkorg. The machine shop got the hole depth slightly wrong, but it still makes for pretty photos!

View attachment 99829View attachment 99830View attachment 99831View attachment 99832

I'm going to try to sleep again now, thanks for the interest guys. Post formatting on mobile is a nightmare...
Very exciting. I would really like to hear and compare it with the vintage K67 and K87's I have :)
Very exciting. I would really like to hear and compare it with the vintage K67 and K87's I have :)
Thanks! The biggest issue with most clone capsules isn't really the frequency response, but other things. Most of the clones I've taken apart over the past couple years have had things wrong like incorrect through hole sizes or wonky tuning of the cavity between the plates. This messes with the polar patterns and off axis response and it's what creates that "slightly off" sound. 3u capsules have correct through hole sizes and correct tuning of the cavity between the plates, but the blind holes are different (probably a purposeful house tuning, it seems to be to increase damping so that they can be used in flat circuits without it being too painful), which is why they have decent pattern response, but the frequency balance isn't accurate to the original capsule. To my knowledge, this will be the first capsule ever introduced in this price segment that does everything correctly.
Thanks! The biggest issue with most clone capsules isn't really the frequency response, but other things. Most of the clones I've taken apart over the past couple years have had things wrong like incorrect through hole sizes or wonky tuning of the cavity between the plates. This messes with the polar patterns and off axis response and it's what creates that "slightly off" sound. 3u capsules have correct through hole sizes and correct tuning of the cavity between the plates, but the blind holes are different (probably a purposeful house tuning, it seems to be to increase damping so that they can be used in flat circuits without it being too painful), which is why they have decent pattern response, but the frequency balance isn't accurate to the original capsule. To my knowledge, this will be the first capsule ever introduced in this price segment that does everything correctly.
Exactly. Frequency response does not say too much about the sound of the capsule. Unfortunatelly, just the listening test can do the job. How to grab te sample?