Dangers of AI

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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Maryland, USA
AI: The logos-maker
AI's language models will increase exponentially and optimize across all systems, open and closed.
All nature becomes unlocked (gameable / exploitable).

AI as Moloch: AI safety measures won't work without massive disruption of existing world economic systems

Makes me rethink the supervillain Klaus Schwab's prediction, "You will own nothing and be happy".
Is that actually the easiest way to avoid catastrophe?
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Just watch the first few minutes of each and jot down their assumptions both stated and unstated. Then ask yourself how many of them are valid.


Just watch the first few minutes of each and jot down their assumptions both stated and unstated. Then ask yourself how many of them are valid.


As someone with an MS in computer engineering and who worked as an engineer in computer vision for three decades I'm not seeing any invalid assumptions in the first 25 minutes of the first video. There are unknowns, certainly, but the real risks are apparent. Haven't had time to watch all of it or the second video.
Does that reduce the potential negative side-effects in any meaningful way? Humans couldn't define any biological functions for tens of thousands of years yet they sure managed to kill and disrupt a lot of biological systems (including other humans).
Of course it does. This will be another Global Warming fiasco. These guys are the Al Gore's of today. FUD sells.


Exactly, rules for thee but not for me...
Elon strikes me as the smartest guy in any room he is in... He is probably wise to advise caution about unfettered AI, he is also smart enough to capitalize upon using the technology himself.

It is probably not a coincidence that Twitter parent "X corp" is also based in Nevada. If his new X.AI is learning from twitter's data stream, that could be interesting.

History suggests that when superior populations interact with inferior communities (like us), the lesser communities generally suffer.
Musk says he is developing "truth.GPT" either great marketing or a good idea, or both. His goal is to program chatAI to pursue truth.


PS: Musk was behind the early funding of chatGPT but lost control to big tech (like Microsoft). He is worried that it is now being trained to lie to us to control public perception.
OK, where did any of them define intelligence?



I'll try...

Intelligence has nothing to do with what you know, it's about what you do, when you can not refer to a knowledge base and you are on your own...

I've been playing a bit with the gpt chatbot thing and it's pretty dumb actually, being a language model it does not seem to understand etymology, it can only quote you wiki stuff about etymology.
It can't understand anything as it's nothing but a really big bot, it will indeed congratulate a minor on being groomed on a chatsite, it can talk like a human, but it can't think like a human.

So the problem is not AI, it's AS, artificial stupidity.

No matter how much data you feed into it, it will always remain stupid.

I don't know if a real AI is even possible, maybe, I bet it would be quite a shocker when it starts to rewrite the entire universe including you... Ouroboros bites it's tail and it starts all over again.

Man, I gotta get out of this loop... 🔁