The real attack on Democracy.

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I find NPR smug,
insular and corporatist, and too often beholden to the interests of the corporate and fatcat megadonor$$$$$.
In some cases.

Is it too liberal though? Not by half.
LOL. If we all are going to fund it, it needs to be balanced or at least centrist/moderate which it is not.

EDIT: this whole "audience that reflects America" canard is pure BS. I guess they need more stories about how Trump really did win the election, and there really is a basement in Comet Pizza, and space lasers really are controlled by the Jews.
How about some important work on Covid origins? Or a discussion about the 2A that includes conservative gun owners and unbiased data analysis. Maybe exercise some journalistic integrity and cover things like the Hunter laptop, how paper ballots are more secure than electronic voting, how mass illegal immigration hurts the lower and middle classes, etc. Your straw man is ridiculous.
If we all are going to fund it,
In large measure we don't. Federal funding is not the lion's share of NPR's revenue. I think NPR might in fact be better without money from the Koch brothers & George Lucas and the Walton Family Foundation and all the other ultra-rich types funding it. Certainly all this money from the ultra-rich is not making NPR more unbiased.

How about... Your straw man is ridiculous.
Your "howaboutism" is ridiculous. So many fallacies, so little time.
In large measure we don't. Federal funding is not the lion's share of NPR's revenue. I think NPR might in fact be better without money from the Koch brothers & George Lucas and the Walton Family Foundation and all the other ultra-rich types funding it. Certainly all this money from the ultra-rich is not making NPR more unbiased.
It's not skewing it hard left. NPR shouldn't be publicly funded at all if it's going to be consistently biased.

Your "howaboutism" is ridiculous. So many fallacies, so little time.
Yeah, my list of actual events that affected hundreds of millions of people, but which "national public radio" refused to cover isn't important when compared to some fringe lunacy. How about own your weak straw man.
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actual events
Yes. The 2A is an EVENT!!!!
And sadly, much of the covid crap you want them to talk about is generally short on hard facts and is rife with speculation and conspiracy theories.
The Hunter laptop, it has become clearer and clearer, is either actual Russian kompromat or a Trump-inspired simulacrum. I can't find fault with the corporate media for staying away from that horse sh!t.

You simply want the MSM to cater to your every delusional, conspiracist right wing whim. As much fault as I find with the MSM, they wouldn't be doing a better job if they gave more credence to your brand of off-the-rails lunacy.

And hey: who needs a straw man when I've got you to prove my point?
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Yes. The 2A is an EVENT!!!!
And sadly, much of the covid crap you want them to talk about is generally short on hard facts and is rife with speculation and conspiracy theories.
The Hunter laptop, it has become clearer and clearer, is either actual Russian kompromat or a Trump-inspired simulacrum.
Republicans argue that a public letter sent during the 2020 presidential campaign was written at the behest of President Biden’s allies to distract from salacious material found on the abandoned laptop of his son Hunter Biden.Credit...

The 51 intelligence officials have some splainin to do... but that apparently worked to defuse the laptop back in 2020 just in time for the debate. (Yes that indeed looks like a conspiracy.)
First son Hunter Biden’s lawyers admitted late Wednesday that the infamous laptop that the now-52-year-old abandoned at a Delaware computer repair shop in the throes of his crack cocaine addiction does indeed belong to him.

The revelation came in a petulant letter from Hunter’s lawyers seeking a criminal probe into what they called attempts to “weaponize” its contents.
I can't find fault with the corporate media for staying away from that horse sh!t.
As a result, it allegedly inflated stories damaging to Donald Trump while downplaying or ignoring others, including those on Hunter Biden, son of the US president Joe Biden, or the origin of the Covid-19 virus.
You simply want the MSM to cater to your every delusional, conspiracist right wing whim. As much fault as I find with the MSM, they wouldn't be doing a better job if they gave more credence to your brand of off-the-rails lunacy.
Russia, russia, russia,,,,,, It worked last time so why not keep digging that hole.

Russia, russia, russia
Read the news sometime. Maybe you'll learn something.

And about your beloved Telegraph, quoted above:

In July 2014, the Daily Telegraph was criticised for carrying links on its website to pro-Kremlin articles supplied by a Russian state-funded publication that downplayed any Russian involvement in the downing of the passenger jet Malaysia Airlines Flight 17.[102] These had featured on its website as part of a commercial deal, but were later removed.[103]

As of 2014,[needs update] the paper was paid £900,000 a year to include the supplement Russia Beyond the Headlines, a publication sponsored by the Rossiyskaya Gazeta, the Russian government's official newspaper.

Russia, Russia, Russia indeed.
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Yes. The 2A is an EVENT!!!!
Use your brain, man. There are plenty of off-narrative 2A events that most media outlets fail to cover. The ones they do cover are done so with bias and selectivity slathered with a thick smear of ignorance.

And sadly, much of the covid crap you want them to talk about is generally short on hard facts and is rife with speculation and conspiracy theories.
The lab leak theory (or simply working to find the true origin of Covid-19)? The excessive PCR cycle counts used to ramp up "case" counts and related fearmongering? Not questioning the arbitrary nature of gov labelling thousands of businesses "nonessential" and killing a large fraction of them? Not questioning "experts" pushing to vaccinate young adults, teens, and children down to 6mo old who have near zero risk from Covid? Not questioning EULA and hidden test results? Not questioning big pharma immunity from liability for vaccines? Not questioning vaccine mandates. Those "conspiracy theories?"

The Hunter laptop, it has become clearer and clearer, is either actual Russian kompromat or a Trump-inspired simulacrum. I can't find fault with the corporate media for staying away from that horse sh!t.
JR handled that one. Suppression of a valid story at the behest of leftists immediately preceding a Presidential election is BS of a Soviet order.

You simply want the MSM to cater to your every delusional, conspiracist right wing whim. As much fault as I find with the MSM, they wouldn't be doing a better job if they gave more credence to your brand of off-the-rails lunacy.

No, I want actual journalism, with curiosity, drive to get to the truth, and a sense of balance when covering an event or issue.

And hey: who needs a straw man when I've got you to prove my point?
I'm not going to use my brain when reading your folderol to compensate for you not using your brain when writing. As usual, a conservative who expects someone else to do the heavy lifting for him.

Whatabout, whatabout, whatabout. Does it never stop?
come on be nicer....

Why does everything have to degenerate into personal attacks (rhetorical, don't answer)?

It's People of NY v. Trump day today!

And of course it started out with right wing talking heads asking for people to commit felonies:

Clay Travis said:
If you’re a Trump supporter in New York City who is a part of the jury pool, do everything you can to get seated on the jury and then refuse to convict as a matter of principle, dooming the case via hung jury. It’s the most patriotic thing you could possibly do.
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I'm not going to use my brain when reading your folderol to compensate for you not using your brain when writing. As usual, a conservative who expects someone else to do the heavy lifting for him.

Whatabout, whatabout, whatabout. Does it never stop?
You can't acknowledge the MSM failures on actual issues that matter. That says a lot about you, not me. I'm an independent who was left (pun intended) by the Democrat party some 12-15 years ago when they lost their collective (pun intended) minds. You seem to be one of them. Open your eyes.
You can't acknowledge the MSM failures

Was that what I was talking about? No. I was talking about your goading me to admit to a logical fallacy when you yourself committed several in your own post. I have no interest in admitting or even considering a fallacy on my part when accused by someone who never acknowledges his own fallacious arguments. You have set the rules; I simply play by the same ones you do.

As to acknowledging MSM failures, I have noted repeatedly here that I have major issues with the MSM. For all your supposed failures of the MSM, I can come up with at least as many from the leftward side of things. And so what? The MSM has its own interests. So why do people on the right insist on calling it the "liberal" media? When you do that, you're misrepresenting both liberals and the MSM (which, frankly, is probably the intent.)

EDIT: I've said it before & will say it again: changing your way of thinking doesn't mean you were wrong then and are right now. The pointless personal stories you tell to justify your opinions aren't swaying me, or probably anyone else here, at all.
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Was that what I was talking about? No. I was talking about your goading me to admit to a logical fallacy when you yourself committed several in your own post. I have no interest in admitting or even considering a fallacy on my part when accused by someone who never acknowledges his own fallacious arguments. You have set the rules; I simply play by the same ones you do.
You're lost.

As to acknowledging MSM failures, I have noted repeatedly here that I have major issues with the MSM. For all your supposed failures of the MSM, I can come up with at least as many from the leftward side of things. And so what? The MSM has its own interests. So why do people on the right insist on calling it the "liberal" media? When you do that, you're misrepresenting both liberals and the MSM (which, frankly, is probably the intent.)
The bias is 90% one direction. That's why it's labeled that way by people who see it. It was only recently that any of them acknowledged the clear decline in Biden's mental faculties that were obvious in 2019. Just one example.

EDIT: I've said it before & will say it again: changing your way of thinking doesn't mean you were wrong then and are right now. The pointless personal stories you tell to justify your opinions aren't swaying me, or probably anyone else here, at all.
I don't expect to fix every problem or illogical brain. That idealism of youth was replaced with pragmatism long ago. What effect my posts have or don't is what it is and your opinions won't stop me from posting.

As we edge closer to WWIII than at any time since 1962, maybe a little reflection on how our "adults" have made it worse would be in order. And that includes the neoconmen.
Low energy Don:
Sleepy Don?


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