Corona: a follow up from Vanity Fair

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Well-known member
Sep 6, 2010
A remarkably good article from Vanity fair shows us much of the background on the Wuhan lab and how science shuffles around research world-wide.
The conclusion one could draw from all of this is that humans are the most dangerous fraction of virus research. Ego, incompetence and politics are plenty to derail any set of rules.

Is there a guilty party? Not really. It's just a heap of mistakes. Mistakes made by ambition or ignorance. Take your pick. Both are equally dangerous.
A remarkably good article from Vanity fair shows us much of the background on the Wuhan lab and how science shuffles around research world-wide.
Not "news" unless you've been shielded from "disinformation" these past few years.

The conclusion one could draw from all of this is that humans are the most dangerous fraction of virus research. Ego, incompetence and politics are plenty to derail any set of rules.
Which is what many of us have been saying. You assert that we are "science deniers" when we simply see the flawed humans who have turned real science into the cult of "The Science." And your list of causes left off the top two--power and money.

Is there a guilty party? Not really.
LOL. Sure there are guilty parties. Do you really believe that people like Baric, Fauci, and the rest are no more responsible than your average citizen of the world? Please. That is ridiculous.

It's just a heap of mistakes. Mistakes made by ambition or ignorance. Take your pick. Both are equally dangerous.
It isn't just a bunch of mistakes. It was purposeful action driven by a relatively small number of corrupt people (who are guilty) and enabled by a huge fraction of manipulable sheople.
Never considered vanity fair the apex of hard hitting journalism. After reading that, I still don’t. But thanks for sharing. They touch lightly on a subject that I doubt their base would care about. They also touched on something that had their base making jokes about those who did.
Plenty of us had concerns but were dismissed as science deniers, uneducated, and so on. I guess they need to find a new spin for the upcoming election cycle.
Well, if you want real hardcore...

The report about that illegal lab in Reedley, CA, run by a Chinese spy is also out.

It's a bit frightening. Vials with ebola virus in an office cabinet. No safety measures at all. Not some light bedtime reading, I'm afraid.
Didn't we discuss that here when it was "discovered" months back? Not news. Many Chinese "enterprises" have close ties to PLA or CCP. They've had spies infiltrate offices of Congress-critters (Feinstein, Swallwell, etc.).
Au contraire, there is a lot of "news" here that was unknown (or hidden) at the time we discussed it in August. Read the report.
Most concerning, aside from the apparent ease for foreign entities to set up potentially nefarious enterprises in the US, is how the CDC completely dropped the ball here. Maybe changes will be made.
I was amazed at what happened in Reedley. The risks taken were enormous. Fortunately, it was discovered just in time. Imagine what would happen if vandals started destroying all these samples. There were signs of vandals on the scene, but apparently it looked too dangerous, even to vandals...
Au contraire, there is a lot of "news" here that was unknown (or hidden) at the time we discussed it in August. Read the report.
By "hidden" you mean purposefully covered up. Yes, it was apparent at the time that a coverup was occurring.

Most concerning, aside from the apparent ease for foreign entities to set up potentially nefarious enterprises in the US, is how the CDC completely dropped the ball here. Maybe changes will be made.
Gee, no one has been warning us about these nefarious Chinese enterprises. We are totally shocked this has happened! And the glorious experts at the CDC dropped the ball? Say it isn't so!
By "hidden" you mean purposefully covered up. Yes, it was apparent at the time that a coverup was occurring.

Gee, no one has been warning us about these nefarious Chinese enterprises. We are totally shocked this has happened! And the glorious experts at the CDC dropped the ball? Say it isn't so!
Oh people were warning us. But they were dismissed as conspiracy theorist, or worse republicans.