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Why were they protesting that late? Aren't protests intended to attract attention? Who's up looking for anything after midnight? "Nothing good happens after midnight" is mostly true.
Speaking of protesting at night, I recall the night over 50 years ago when LBJ announced that he wasn't running for re-election. Not really a protest but a spontaneous celebration as thousands of young people poured out of apartments and headed toward the Boston Commons. I even recall the crowd chant that night "hooray, hooray, LBJ gave up today". This was not late night but definitely late for any organized anti-war (Viet Nam) protest. This was spontaneous and triggered by the evening news. This was a celebration more than a protest.

LBJ's approval was down in the 30s. Nixon the law and order candidate, f'n drafted me. :mad:


BTW lets stop the personal ad hominem
Provocative attire blamers are wrong and plywood encampment blamers are right.
I didn't expect you to understand the difference between right and wrong. You don't strike me as intelligent whatsoever.
I do not subscribe to any version of "right and wrong" that puts the violent nighttime attackers at UCLA in the "right" category, which is what john12ax7 was discussing.

BTW lets stop the personal ad hominem
I do not subscribe to any version of "right and wrong" that puts the violent nighttime attackers at UCLA in the "right" category, which is what john12ax7 was discussing.
I do not subscribe to any version where protestors think it's ok to build plywood barriers/encampments.

Nobody said that the violent counterprotestors/agitators were in the right but like john12ax7, you do like to project.
I do not subscribe to any version where protestors think it's ok to build plywood barriers/encampments.

So it's OK to protest, as long as you do it standing up, in the rain? Or even in blazing sunlight? Is it OK to use an umbrella?

How high SPL is allowed and between which hours are we allowed to yell? Or is there no yelling at all in your puritan setup?

It is not important who is protesting, or how. The only important thing is what the protest is about. All the rest utterly unimportant. But hey, go ahead in your own personal delusion that everything is OK in Gaza. Your country just got some harsh words from India. Something about hypocrisy and propaganda...
I do not subscribe to any version where protestors think it's ok to build plywood barriers/encampments.

Nobody said that the violent counterprotestors/agitators were in the right but like john12ax7, you do like to project.

Oh good, more ad hominem.

Since the word is being misued, for clarity:
Project: to wrongly imagine that someone else is feeling a particular emotion or desire when in fact it is you who feels this way

Best of luck with whatever you're going through.
Oh good, more ad hominem.
I think you misunderstand ad hominem. It isn't "anything that hurts your feelings."

Since the word is being misued, for clarity:
Project: to wrongly imagine that someone else is feeling a particular emotion or desire when in fact it is you who feels this way

I understood what it means and agree with fallout regarding his observation. It's obvious.

Best of luck with whatever you're going through.
Watching an incompetent (or malicious) administration destroy our country from within is what we're all experiencing. It isn't pleasant. Worse is to have to endure those defending the destruction.
So it's OK to protest, as long as you do it standing up, in the rain? Or even in blazing sunlight? Is it OK to use an umbrella?

How high SPL is allowed and between which hours are we allowed to yell? Or is there no yelling at all in your puritan setup?

The thing with UCLA is the counter-protesters and police have caused way more violence, chaos, and disruption than the protesters have.

And then there is also this:

"First, I must confess that over the last few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in the stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Council-er or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I can't agree with your methods of direct action;" who paternalistically feels he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by the myth of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait until a "more convenient season." -MLK
Since the word is being misued, for clarity:
Project: to wrongly imagine that someone else is feeling a particular emotion or desire when in fact it is you who feels this way

It is pointless to engage with someone who is either unwilling or unable to understand what things. It is doubly hilarious for a victim blamer to play the projection card.
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www said:
Ad hominem, short for argumentum ad hominem, refers to several types of arguments which are fallacious. Typically this term refers to a rhetorical strategy where the speaker attacks the character, motive, or some other attribute of the person making an argument rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself.

Impugning each other, is not civil discourse.
I started this thread because I thought it was an interesting concept to explore (especially this year).

Instead we get childish ugliness.

It seems the internet is being used to piss fuel on the fire in many of these situations where civil disorder threatens to breaks out , often by offshore actors , at least thats what the government here is telling us lately .
Its false flag attack via online platforms .
It seems the internet is being used to piss fuel on the fire in many of these situations where civil disorder threatens to breaks out , often by offshore actors , at least thats what the government here is telling us lately .
Its false flag attack via online platforms .
I remember lots of people of a certain political bent celebrating this use of technology during the "Arab Spring" uprisings. Technology is an amplifier. Social media tech is just a giant social manipulation amplifier anymore which is why free speech should have been protected, even on "private platforms" that are effectively the modern public square. Now we see the results of this poor (intentional) decision.
Biden will lose the election over his unbridled allegiance to Israel. The swing has started.

MSM avoid the subject genocide. But they no longer hide Israel's crimes.

And the Hadj was flooded. Yes, floods in the desert kingdom. Divine intervention? Where's Noah's ark, when you need it?
Agreed on the above AP ,
I think its finally dawning on the populist politicians who courted social media in recent years , this can just as easily be used as a destructive force against them personally or on the macro scale ,to destabilise a country .

Politically ,this side of the Pond ,
things are quite unstable just now ,
First Irelands prime minister resigned last month ,
Now Scotlands leader has thrown in the towel ,
and it looks like the UK leader Rishi Sunak's days are also numbered ,

The over reach to tick all boxes in terms of inclusivity , coupled with inward migration from war torn countries ,the public mood has shifted ,
College cities and towns have a huge diversity , some smaller towns with good civic leadership have opened their doors and welcomed in Ukrainian families , but in other , more rural communities they've set up road blocks/check points and burned facilities destined to house the refugees to the ground before the people arrived .
I hope the universities are gaining enough revenue from foreign students to make up for all the parents and alumni that they are pissing off.
Back on topic does anyone here remember 1968?

Back on topic does anyone here remember 1968?

Yes I do. It would have been the first time I was eligible to vote, and because of the shenanigans at the dem convention (back room deals, not the protests or police) I was left without a candidate to vote for, and didn't vote until 2000 against dubya.
Yes I do. It would have been the first time I was eligible to vote, and because of the shenanigans at the dem convention (back room deals, not the protests or police) I was left without a candidate to vote for, and didn't vote until 2000 against dubya.
If you liked that one wait for it.... the democratic convention is in Chicago again this year. 🤔

I have passed closeby several German camps setup in Holland and Belgium during WW2 but never went inside ,
Ive also visited war memorials ,mostly in northern France , but also in Russia .

We of course had our own holocaust here in Ireland , known as the great famine , many of the buildings that were once workhouses still exist to this day , there is also mass graves that still stand testament to the lives lost ,

Its hard to estimate exact numbers as oficial population counts will include some who were either transported or left for the UK or the new world of Austrailia and America , the population was reduced from a peak of around 8.5 million in the 1840's to under 6 million by the 1860's .
People were systematically removed from their lands , impoverished , left uneducated , and finally faced with the choice of starve to death or leave the country .

In many ways Mike , the plight of the Palestinian people now is similar to what the Irish faced in the 1840's .
Should we be silent until the death toll reaches into the millions again ?
At what point exactly does willful starvation with genocidal intent become actual genocide ?


Soooo your answer is NO, you cannot show me or anyone the systematic annihilation of palestinians in Israel because there isn't any. No stashes, tiny or otherwise, of palestinian gold jewelry and dentalwork either. Maybe just some hungry, captive human shields, prisoners of their own peeps? Total windup or ignorant rubbish. Whose temple is built on the rubble of whose? The genocidal hatred is spouted by the "from the river to the sea" crowd, you have it backwards. You cannot equate a young man escaping his ghetto at gunpoint into a boxcar with another escaping his ghetto in a murdering buggering spree. Does not equate, does not compute! Savage terrorists are using their own civilian supporters as shields, and totally lying about any numbers of casualties, etc. They were given Gaza, what did they do with it? They up-armoured and tunneled beneath the soft targets and turned it into a cement fortress. Get real! Their own leaders kept them in a ghetto.
I think a big issue confusing libs/regressives is runaway positive feedback emotions. Emotion feeds into cults of personality for/against someone or something, and people do not really understand what they are for or against; they just dig in deeper. The climate? "You're against THE CLIMATE?!?" "You're against HUNGRY PEOPLE?!?" Virtue signaling is often ignorance signaling as well.
The problem is, once it is all burned down by the emotional, fire and orgies YAY!, the emotionless ghouls with The Plan arrive. The 20th Century is right there to see, folks. . .
I forgive you and will pray for ewe!
45.000 people killed isn't a genocide to you? Well, the world disagrees...

Man, US education must be even worse than everyone figures. But you have one thing in common with zionists; you both believe you're living in the promised land. And you're both religious, which usually ends all intelligent discussion. But it explains the delusion.

Nostradamus saw the parallels between the Western and the Roman imperium in a vision. It's eery to see the obvious downfall. The Thracians were amongst the last victims of the Romans before the Barbarians ended the Roman empire. Who will be the modern Barbarians?

You also obviously don't follow world politics. How many presidents and leaders will it take to realise what Israel is doing is a genocide? I've heard many compassionate and intelligent comments from African and Asian leaders. Most agree it's a genocide. Malaysia has just arrested an armed Israeli operative on a fake French passport. How long will it be before the Saudis speak up? They're calling it an "onslaught". Diplomatic, but how long will they keep it diplomatic? You can hear their representative squirming on C-SPAN:


This genocide also shows how many European leaders are owned by the US-Israeli joint venture. They'll be gone after the next elections. Just like Biden. The protests aren't going away. And there is one thing that's probably unexpected for most observers: Israel finally succeeded in getting the Arab world to unite. That's while the "Five Eyes" joint venture starts showing the first cracks...

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