Juno Chorus

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Well-known member
Oct 28, 2009
Madison, WI
Sounds really close -
Used the Xvive reissue MN3009.
The LFO is taken from a CE-2 and uses a rate pot, can go from about 0.3Hz to 3Hz. But at the slow end matches the frequency of I (0.4Hz) or II (0.6Hz) and although it can't match I+II exactly, it is pretty similar at the fast end.
Does not have the circuitry to filter the triangle wave or put the two LFO outputs in phase when both I&II are on. Maybe I can still add that in on a DPDT switch.

Used this PCB with a few mods.
Hammond enclosure with the DIY walnut ends (still need to sand, finish, and label) And I need to get a blue paint for the stripe, instead of the painter's tape lol


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Well that's DIY for ya
It's not always paint by numbers

The PCB is pretty good, but needs some mods to be 'exact'
Down to a few differences in the LFO. Already changed the 470k&470k to 100k&100k||220pF to cut the robot noise above 7kHz
The noise on this one is less than on my re-capped vintage one.
Would be cool to have a I and II switch that defeat the rate pot to get the exact Juno LFO.

Currently it makes a 20 VPP triangle wave from 0.3-3Hz with the depth at max

Not sure it needs the exact same circuit if it sounds the same side-by-side with a original, i.e. a rate pot vs switches, but you can have whatever opinion you want


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Not sure it needs the exact same circuit if it sounds the same side-by-side with a original, i.e. a rate pot vs switches, but you can have whatever opinion you want
If you call something a "clone", then yes, it has to be the exact same circuit. That's not an opinion. That's the definition of "clone".

Similarly a "replica" goes a step further and re-creates all of the components exactly from PCB fab to knobs.
Is that box based on the Juno 8 keyboard?
I suppose it's Juno 6/60, 8 voices is the Jupiter.

At my side I solved the -I want a Juno 60 chorus!!! - before the hype and clones around it (which is deserved) by adding an audio input at my Juno 60 🙃
Why do some feel the need hold the discussion to ransom on a semantic level ,its like an obsessive compulsive knob twiddlers box ticking exercise at times ,

Nice work DMP ,
I rigged a pair of CE2's with extra input jacks for external LFO ,
2CH Arbgenerator allows me finely tune the psychoacoustic vapour trails and make them dance along to the tune ,
save the settings as a presets , now you've the added abillity to recall your chorus patches .

You can achieve good sounds with both pedals on their own internal LFO sources but theres an element of luck/hit/miss , which is good at times also.
You must have a massive pedal board!

In practice the JU60 don't left the studio, but probably a modded Juno frame can do a nice pedal board on stage, if you replace the keyboard by usual pedal and wire the panel controls for some extra setting and use memory button section to drive an digitally controlled router/patch setting for all the pedal connected :)
Why do some feel the need hold the discussion to ransom on a semantic level ,its like an obsessive compulsive knob twiddlers box ticking exercise at times ,
Somewhere in the corridors someone was heard to sneeze
Goodness me, could this be social media disease?
Nice work DMP ,
I rigged a pair of CE2's with extra input jacks for external LFO ,
Would like an external LFO control - not sure the best way yet.
And then build a 'leslie' box to do the control, like:
With a chorus and a tremolo / vibrato, should have a decent leslie sound. Friend has a 147, but it's kind of large for the pedal board. Zam could handle it though ;)
I arranged the LFO input jack to interupt the internal LFO signal in the CE2 ,

It kept it simple with no external switches needed ,

Stereo CE2 chorus and vibe/trem , it should sound like twin Leslies..
I have this and it's pretty good

Screen Shot 2022-12-09 at 03.35.50.png

But congratulations for your build, and I wish you have lots of fun with it.
It would be great if you could do a video playing with it and show the sounds your pedal is capable of

best regards
Hi there,
Sorry in advance, for this nooby question…
I’m very interested in that project but don’t really get how to use github/to get a pcb… i see the kicad file, so is it a possibility to send this file directly to some pcb manufacturer?
I found some CE2 pcbs at tonepad, but not the Juno ones…
Or if any of you have some spare, hit me up!
Thanks for your lights!
I’m very interested in that project but don’t really get how to use github/to get a pcb
I bought the pcb here
Currently out of stock, but you can sign up and wait for them to be available.

got the small clone all pruned up and ready to go, sounds great,
Your pedal artwork is pretty sweet.
I made some .wav samples, 24 bit, 16 bit - tried to upload but it's 'too large'
Compressed them to mp3 and tried to upload. Seems to have worked?

The dry, I and II are the vintage Juno using the same midi signal, recorded direct in.

The 'Build' is at the slow end on the rate pot to be approximately where the LFO is close to I and II (by ear), and the bypassed is not a true bypass, just mutes the chorus
I did these all with the same MIDI signal and normalized them before exporting.

I could also do some guitar over the weekend


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