The Version 9 Green Pre

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What is the current draw of these new cards? How many amps will my PS need to be for a 4 channel pre? Thanks!

The current draw of the audio part of the pre is under 50mA per rail, 100mA in total. I generally allow 100mA per channel.

The LED meter will draw about 30 - 40 mA. So in total not more than 140mA, usually about 120mA.

I'll check this tonite, I cant remember the exact figures.

If I were to do a PSU, my current design is one that uses 2 x LM 317 & 1 x 337 regulators. I'll have to get a quote, but it does depend heavily on quantity. With small clip-on heatsinks, it will feed 4 channels. The heatsinks get slightly warm to the touch, but I have used it in this configuration before with good results.

If there is any interest, I have a contact that will do them without solder mask or silkscreened legend & very small setup costs. I have used them before & the boards are good. The copper will be sealed with a flux spray.

Let me know.

Hey Kev,
Would your previous Green power supply work with 4 of these new boards? I seem to remember it could do a 6A load, right? Just need a bigger fuse, I think?

Joel :guinness:
The previous supply used 7815/7915 regulators which are rated at 1,5 amps each, but will only handle this with large heatsinks. I would not recomend more than 4 channels on that PSU either.

I really like 2 supplies in an 8 chan pre in case one fails. There would be at least 4 channels still running. Could be a Redundant Array of Inexpensive PSU's? :cool:

I didn't realize the regulators were only rated at 1.5 A. Hmmm... Let me look at this a while... When you say 2 power supplies, do you mean one transformer with the power going to 2 seperate circuits? (the 7815/7915's) Or would you use 2 transformers? The tranny is rated at 6A.

Joel :guinness:
At a continuous 1.5 amps you will probably want some permanent heat sinking on those regs.

I don't think you will need that much for 4 Green-Pres ??
The mkII will have more IC's so it will need a little more current.

My guess is that a 30VA trafo and 7815/7915 will still be fine.
As long as you don't go putting in HUGE meter lamps. :roll:
When you say 2 power supplies, do you mean one transformer with the power going to 2 seperate circuits? (the 7815/7915's) Or would you use 2 transformers? The tranny is rated at 6A.

Yes. I ran the mains transformer secondaries to both the PSU pcb's. Can be seen on my site here :

The transformer was a 30VA unit.

dose this mean that even if we have expresed intrest( in the form of hay i want four, witch i do :wink: ) we still need to email you?
Here is a teaser.... :cool: :grin:

I will build it up tonite to check the workability.


Another teaser (or 2) :



What I've done is to make up a "photo essay" showing the board at each stage of assembly. The pics are BIG, so builders can zoom right in on the pics & see the components. I'll make the site available to those who get the PCB.

I got my boards today in Florida, and the package said it was shipped on the 22nd. WOW was that fast!

Now I am certaibly going to need help putting togather a parts order.

How many people plan to order from digikey? Would you mind sharing which components you got any why. Since I am so new at this I am a bit overwhelmed at which switches, caps, etc. to buy. I would like to match the pictures of the finished board, but DigiKey doesn't have pictures on the site.

The boards look awesome and I am simply drooling over here. I can see myself ordering more...maybe an 8 channel box is in my future. I bet these things would be great for live use too.


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